Naked crab refuses every shell?

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Naked crab refuses every shell?

Post by balletdancer101 » Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:23 pm

I woke up this morning to find my crabbie naked, so I quickly put him in ISO with shells, water and food. However, she has refused over ten shells and only seems to be mildly interested in about 3. I have tried putting her in a cup with the shells with no luck. She has always been my most active crab and was perfectly healthy until today. What can I do? I've tried coaxing get into a shell but she wouldn't stay in it for more than 5 minutes. I can't go buy more shells at the moment (she picked literally the WORST time to act up on me). I don't want her to die but nothing's working. She is active despite not having a shell and isn't showing any signs of molting. She's a PP, cage temp 80° and humidity 72%.

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Re: Naked crab refuses every shell?

Post by Stadiastarlet » Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:14 pm

* ONLY IF HER CONDITION GETS BAD ENOUGH TO WHERE YOU THINK IT COULD BE FATAL* Gently place her in a shell that is her size and leave her.
She might or might not keep it but if you've done the cup method and she's still not buying it THATS all I can suggest.
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Re: Naked crab refuses every shell?

Post by Nia » Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:29 am

Have you tried rinsing the shells she is interested in in her salt water? This might help.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: Naked crab refuses every shell?

Post by CallaLily » Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:58 pm

Has she reshelled yet?
