Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some support!

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Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some support!

Post by fantasybookworm » Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:04 pm

Well, I have to get the crabs moved to temporary tanks so I can sell their big 45 gallon tomorrow. I have two underneath right now - Boromir (a medium) & Merry (a small). Both have been under for at least a week, can't recall exactly. I'm really worried they're both molting, but I don't have a choice about moving them out. I think I know how to go about things, but just want some reassurance & some help with not panicking too much.

Plan for digging/emptying tank:
- clean small tanks & hook up heaters to start warming them up
- find & remove Pippin (the small crab still up) into a temp holding cup
- take out pools & decor
- start removing substrate, starting at one end of the tank & going slowly
- substrate will go into small tanks as I work

If I find molting crabs:
- have two 5-gallon tanks, one for each potential molter
- make sure tanks are at correct conditions for sub consistency, humidity, & temp
- have a food bowl & small bowls for water for each 5gal
- have small solid tupperware containers to go over molters, going to cut a small opening out of each so crab can exit if wanted
*** question - do I block that opening with anything so crab is in total dark & can't be peeked at? Maybe with moss?
- if I find any exo, that goes with the corresponding crab under their container

Pippin & any non-molters will go into a 10-gallon tank that will be set up a little better, but still have shallow sub (1-2"). Any non-molters are going into 6" tall deli containers stuffed with moss on Monday for the move, so I don't want them to dig too far under or try to molt in the temporary tanks if I can help it. They will only be in these temporary tanks for four nights before the move, then one more night after the move (Monday night) until I can get the new tote crabitat set up on Tuesday.

Another question - I'm guessing yes, but should I leave any molters in their 5gal tank for the trip? I don't want to disturb them more than absolutely necessary & if I leave them in the 5gal for the drive, they can stay in it until they're done molting & ready to move to the totes.

Sorry I've typed so much, just really nervous about this. :? It's only their second molt with me. I was so hoping they'd wait until after the move. I have to run to my neighbor's, but I'm going to clean the small tanks & start working when I get back.

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by Kleinerhejhog » Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:47 pm

I'm new to this, but your plan sounds good to me. Sending happy healthy crab vibes your way!

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by megmaholm » Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:20 pm

You'll be fine! The only thing I would suggest is go ahead and iso any crabs you dig up - I learned the hard way when I dug up a crab, thought he was fine, and then he surface molted in the main tank. Better safe than sorry!

Yes, I'd block the opening of the container you cover a molter with. Moss works great.
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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by hermitcrabdc » Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:21 pm

It sounds fine to me. Good luck, I hope everyone makes it to Kansas safely :)
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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by Cumba » Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:32 pm

1,000 good luck wishes coming your way!!

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by fantasybookworm » Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:39 pm

Thank you all. :) So far I'm halfway through & no molters. Taking a brief break because my back is killing me already. Pippin's settled in his 10gal & hiding in the little grass hut. He was very unimpressed with his part in this ordeal, but was a trooper. He barely goes into his shell for a second before he comes back out. His tank is at 76.5* & rising, so I'm pleased with that. The thermometer I have in there doesn't include humidity, so I'm picking up one or two more tomorrow - I only have one other one (which does include humidity) that has two cords/probes. I think I'll use it for the ISOs for tonight, then try to get them all set up with their own thermometer tomorrow. I also need to get a new lid for the 10gal. The original one got all rusted & flaking in my friend's basement. :? So I have a makeshift one on it (with heavy books set on top, though there's no way for Pippin to get up to it) for tonight.

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by fantasybookworm » Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:22 pm

And I have three crabs (and a very sore back)! I think they purposely drew out my torture - I found both buried crabs in the very last two-inch strip of the tank. :roll: But it's much better than I anticipated!! Boromir was buried, but doesn't seem to have started molting yet (or maybe he was just enjoying being able to properly burrow). He was put in one of the 5gals anyway, per Meg's suggestion! I'm so pleased to see my buddy safe & sound. He's in his little sour cream container hut, with the entrance blocked with a ball of moss, just in case he wants to try molting in there.

And Merry seems to have already finished molting, mostly hardening up (he looks normal colored & shiny from what I can see of him hiding all the way in his shell), and nearly finished his exo! I found a few last bits (ends of claws) with him, so I scooped them up & put them in his hut with him. Blocked his entrance with moss too.

I currently have the humidity/temp thermometer's probes in Boromir's tank to see what the levels are like. Merry's tank will be next. Pippin's tank temp is up to 77.4*. I"ll probably check his humidity before I head to sleep as well, just to see. I'll probably have to maintain by misting while they're in the small tanks. I'd plug in the pump & give two of the tanks an airstone each, but the heating pads already filled up my power strip. :lol:

Thank you all again for the support & good wishes!!! :D I'm so relieved with how well this turned out. Now I just need to finish emptying the tank & clean my disaster of a room. *sigh*

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by fantasybookworm » Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:26 pm

Oh! I forgot to post my questions.

- Should I keep both Boromir & Merry in their own 5gals until moving day?

- With Merry done molting & if Boromir doesn't try by Monday, can I put them both in the deli containers of moss for the car ride like I was originally planning? Or should they stay in their 5gals until after I see activity/eating (Merry) or until done molting (Boromir)?

- If all seems to be good by Monday, can I put all three crabs into the 10gal for Monday night until I can move them into their new tote crabitat on Tuesday?

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:35 am

Often they leave leg tips and part of the bp behind of the exo so he may be ready to go already. I would go ahead with the deli idea if everything is good with them. Otherwise 5 gals it is. If they are all out, about and eating normally they can go together. Make sure they get baths though so any molt smell is washed off before you put them together.

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by fantasybookworm » Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:19 am

Thank you!! Merry's content to hide in his hut from the scary giant. The moss hasn't even budged. So we'll see in the next few days with him. Boromir was alllll over the place last night. I don't think he approves of his small temporary home one bit. Hopefully he won't molt & we'll be all good for the trip!! :D

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:52 pm

He is plotting your demise. Lol be careful!

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by wodesorel » Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:10 pm

It's tempting to want to move them quickly, but until they are moving around the 5 gallon, and eating normally, they need to be kept separate. Like Meg, I've had surface molts from crabs I found underground and thought they were okay.
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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by fantasybookworm » Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:40 pm

I'm pretty sure he is, Kelly! I hurt myself so many times today, I half wonder if he DID have something to do with it! :lol:

And makes sense, Wode! I'll definitely leave everyone where they are for the weekend & see where we're at on Sunday night/Monday morning. If I'm unsure at all, the two who were buried can stay in their 5gals for the drive. It'd just be easier to have them in the deli containers of moss. I'll reassess them when we get to Kansas as well before I try moving anyone into the tote habitat. Thanks for the advice! :D I really appreciate all of the support on here, I wouldn't have a clue what to do with these little ones without this forum.

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by smudge1017 » Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:49 pm

If you have read my post possible molt, you will see that my hermit crab as been seemingly ill from the temperature and hasn't bounced back quite yet. Today is the fourth of July and we go on vacation in roughly a week. It is a car trip and we will be in the car for many hours. I don't nessisarly have someone to watch my crab. IfI have the heat under control and she is all better by the time I leave for vacation, do you think I could take her with me? :?: :crabbigsmile:

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Re: Gonna have to dig tonight...would appreciate some suppor

Post by fantasybookworm » Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:32 pm

It's better to keep questions on your own thread, not someone else's. :) I already posted a reply over on your thread.
