Discovered the grinder was a bust It wouldn't grind anything...think the motor was just past its prime lol But I put my mortar and pestle to work and mashed up all sorts of goodies. I've shied away from fresh fruit the last week or so because my apartment was overrun with fruit flies so tonight it's poop, some bugs and other random stuff + egg shell and white and then some overripe avocado that I figured somebody should eat.glacier44 wrote: Nice score on the coffee grinder! I have a Mortar and Pestel,and a coffee grinder for dry stuff and a mini food processor (only holds two cups MAX) for wet. I also make batches of stuff, then put it in mini ice cube trays to freeze then package and label to use throughout the year. The salmon from last night was scraps from our recent fishing trip. I cut up the scraps to "serving" size then freeze spread out on a cookie sheet then bag them up. WE do a lot of fishing in the summer to stock out freezer for winter and the crabs get LOTS of tidbits from our bounty
Zoo mom of 3 cats, a dog, a fish and 3 (for now) crabs