crab memory

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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crab memory

Post by NilyahEyakam » Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:24 pm

does anyone really know anything about what hermit crabs remember and how long they remember it?
my first two crabs still love to climb on top of their coconut hut, but don't hide in it like they used to. this probably has nothing to do with it but it made me think that maybe being in there reminds them of when I first got them and their conditions were horrible? that was the only hide I had and where they spent most of the day. then I stared to wonder if they remember being in the pet stores and surf shops, then I thought about them remembering what it's like to live in the wild but being stuck in captivity.
I think I've read that they walk miles at night and can still remember how to get back to where they were (or maybe that was snails that remember how to get home..) but is it more extensive than that? has there been any tests to show how their memory works? I can't find anything on it so I'm hoping someone here may know

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Re: crab memory

Post by Crabinski » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:47 pm

I've wondered about this, too, NilyahEyakam, but haven't found anything definitive. As all of the crabs sold in the US were taken from the wild at some point in their lives, there has to be at least a sense of familiarity when they're introduced to something reminiscent of that past. For example, having a deep substrate comprised of moist, diggable sand or EcoEarth/sand probably makes them feel more secure because it's similar to the beach areas they previously lived in. Many of us have noticed that our crabs use their pools more when bubblers have been added, perhaps the moving water reminding them of tide pools or the ocean. Likewise, providing branch-like or rocky objects to climb on in the crabitat and leaves and vines to climb on/hide in/sleep in must trigger a recall of sorts or perhaps the crabs are just showing ingrained responses to familiar stimuli.
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Re: crab memory

Post by wodesorel » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:50 pm

In my old tank, they had a ramp up to the second level for several months. When I redid the tank one day, I moved this ramp to the other side of the tank. For a good three months, they would run to where the ramp used to be when they got startled! So they can carry a memory around with them for a while.

Molting tends to reset their brain though. Many crabbers have noticed drastic shifts in their crabs personalities, and becoming more scared or wary where they used to be bold is one of the things that happens.
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Re: crab memory

Post by Crabinski » Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:01 am

Wow, wodesorel, that ramp story has me thinking about my old 10g set up and a resin log that was placed at the front of the tank for climbing on and hiding under. Every few months, I'd revamp the crabitat and remove the log for a while before bringing it back -- for weeks after the log was removed, the crabs would go to the area where it had been, now empty, and just sit on the substrate. As soon as the log reappeared in the tank, they'd all go right over to it and climb on or go underneath. And yes, I've seen some serious personality changes after molts and only one for the better.
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Re: crab memory

Post by Acceb_becca » Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:33 pm

I adopted a hermit crab with my current one that was in a bright orange shell, he later died but! I just got a new hermit crab in the same exact shell and he ran right over to him and seemed to love him! The now sleep together, eat together, and do everything together!

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Re: crab memory

Post by NilyahEyakam » Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:50 pm

wow thanks for sharing . I never noticed the change from molting. that's really cool, I'll have to start watching for it.
and the way they go back to where something was before is pretty neat too. I haven't noticed mine doing that either guess I've got to start paying more attention instead of just being excited that they're out during the day.
