Temp / Humidity Guage

Archived information regarding the proper control and maintenance of your crabitat.

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Temp / Humidity Guage

Post by Guest » Tue May 05, 2009 1:29 am

Hi all, any recommendations on a brand name for these? I suspect I am going to have to look beyond the standard Petco type gauges. I am hoping that mine are not working correctly. I have a 10 gallon tank1 UTH bottom mounted (rated 10-20 gal)1 UTH side mounted (rated 10-20 gal)1 UTH side mounted (rated 10-20 gal)and we still cannot get it above about 72. Maybe it is the gauge that is broken.

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Temp / Humidity Guage

Post by saberkitty » Tue May 05, 2009 1:36 am

With that many uth's I'd guess it's the gauge. What type of cover are you using? I personally don't bottom mount the uth's as it can't warm the air and a weak molting crab might not be able to move away from the heat. I'd use one uth rated for a 30-40 gallon tank, mounted on the back. That's what I have on my 10 gallon iso tank and with a plexi glass cover it stays right about 78F. I got digital gauges from the hardware section of like Walmart or Home Depot, they read both temp and humidity, cost around $8 and seem to be quite accurate.

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Crabby Abby
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Temp / Humidity Guage

Post by Crabby Abby » Tue May 05, 2009 4:28 am

I agree with Saber.You really need to be careful that you don't overheat them with all those heaters. Because you should have a depth that's twice your largest crabs shell the majority of us side mount instead. To do that you need a UTH rated 3x's the recommended size. Put it on the back wall flush right or left side and sitting just above the rim so it warms some of the substrate too.With your present set-up, should it get too hot they've got little room to escape the heat. A good lid makes all the difference too.
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