FMR Land Hermit Crab Food: Is it safe?

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FMR Land Hermit Crab Food: Is it safe?

Post by Kharasmatic » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:42 am

Has anyone read the ingredients on this stuff? I picked it up at a pet store the other day..I usually feed their Land hermit crab treat becasue basically it's dried fruit(ingredients are "papaya, coconut,pineapple, sea salt, banana chips, apples, mangos, rolled oats, and wheat germ") nothing unsafe there. But if you pick up their land hermit crab food you'll get "Cornmeal, soybean meal, alfalfa meal, animal and plant protein products, soybean oil, coconut oil, magnesium oxide, copper sulphate, calcuim iodate, cobalt, calcium carbonate, vitamins a,e,&B12, niacin and riboflavin supplement" I don't know about the rest of you, but that stuff definatley doesn't sound safe!

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FMR Land Hermit Crab Food: Is it safe?

Post by FlightResponse » Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:59 pm

Copper sulfate is known to be toxic to land hermit crabs over time, so it is something that you definitely want to keep out of their diet. I won't feed my crabs FMR or any other food with this ingredient for that reason.

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FMR Land Hermit Crab Food: Is it safe?

Post by Crabby Abby » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:20 am

Personally besides the usual two ingredients I steer clear, I think "animal... products" could be just about anything. *shudders*
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FMR Land Hermit Crab Food: Is it safe?

Post by breezeetew » Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:17 pm

I have been using both products for 3 years now as occasional food supplements and have noticed no ill effects so far. Like anything else, though, you need VARIETY.There are plenty of discussions about ethoxyquin and copper sulfate in the library, so search either term and do some reading to get my opinions and those of other crabbers.As in any situation, do what you feel best for your situation.I still do offer the FMR pellets because I bought in bulk and I offer it once or twice a month in addition to fresh and dried foods. I have had most of my crabs for over two years and some for over three. I don't think a bit of anything here or there is going to hurt.If I was going to go crazy about what I feed my crabs, I would have to take the candy from my kids and stop drinking coffee and NO ONE wants that!
I have had hermit crabs for a couple of years and still have most of my originals. I joined LHC over a year ago and have learned a lot about crab care there. I have about 50 crabs (PP, Straw and E) in my 130 gallon tank that is a feature point of my living room.
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FMR Land Hermit Crab Food: Is it safe?

Post by bellissima » Thu May 01, 2008 11:15 pm

Kharasmatic- I agree with Breeze about variety. They thrive on variety anyway and they won't eat the same thing 2 days ina row. I believe it is nature's way of making sure they get the nutrients they need. The only commercial food that is considered safe is Crab Island. I have it and I feed it every now and then. Onlt the first one listed is known to me to be safe. I liked the idea of the fruit and flower food, but it has copper sulfate in it. I really like feeding them the fruits and flowers that I have gotten from Hermit Crab Addiction anyway. And FMR fruit treats are safe. My crabbies love them too!

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FMR Land Hermit Crab Food: Is it safe?

Post by JessG1179 » Fri May 02, 2008 4:01 am

quote:Copper sulfate is known to be toxic to land hermit crabs over time in my opinion, the key words there are "over time". if you were to feed it to them regularly i might be concerned, but as an occasional treat i dont think it would do any harm. i have some of the crab food pellets that i got when i first got my crabs, and once in a blue moon i'll offer it. i dont think the occasional additive is harmful. i mean, think about all the junk (preservatives, chemicals, etc) we put into our bodies everyday. that stuff is in practically everything we eat- and we're still here to discuss it. if i were in your shoes, i wouldnt toss it, but i would only offer it occasionally.EDIT: i forgot to mention, i also think that since our little guys are scavengers, when they are on a beach that people visit i'm sure they pick up some food that we left behind. often i see discussions about processed foods that we eat and if they are safe for crabs. while i agree that as a staple they arent healthy, i'm sure along the way they have eaten our foods before.
