Conduit search bar/spam/adware for Google Chrome.
Conduit search bar/spam/adware for Google Chrome.
I've had to remove a similar search bar from Google Chrome on my parents laptop because they happened to browse over to a certain page which contained a drive by down-loader for this tool bar add-on.The variant they got was called Mindspark search and it was downloaded from Galaxy-maps.I don't use Google Chrome or IE because of the risks associated with using them I much prefer Fire Fox.Anyway it seems that a lot of Google Chrome users are getting hit with the Conduit variant now and basically what it does is it automatically opens a secondary page within Chrome which directs you to the Conduit search engine, this engine is not nice it likes to steal your key strokes and private data and is ridiculously hard to get rid of because it has a propagator tied to it that keeps downloading new versions of it to the browser so each time you remove it it just replaces itself. There have been a few people who have tried to go in and manually remove it but that just leads to the internet connection being hijacked and certain DNS addresses being looked up on a loop which contain more copies of this spy-ware/ad-ware.This little piece of junk-ware can end up locking you out of your browser if you don't know what your doing so having a good anti-virus/anti-malware program that is designed to look for and get rid of these malicious add-ons is strongly recommended.Kapersky, Avast and Malwarebytes are the best in my opinion for detecting and removing these nuisance add-ons.Mcafee, Norton and AVG are no good for detecting these infections and should be replaced.
Hi I have autism so I tend to answer questions very directly and with little emotion so please don't think I'm being rude.
#Autism Speaks.
#Autism Speaks.
Conduit search bar/spam/adware for Google Chrome.
I found a new browser called "Maxthon Cloud Browser." I don't know what the security implications are yet.