Mr. Crab's past...

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Mr. Crab's past...

Post by CrabCakes » Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:11 am

Hello everyone! Today's post is about me and Mr. Crab's back story before we joined HCA. I hope you enjoy!

It all started on January 3rd, 2015. I woke up that morning with exusiating pain. My parents rushed me to the ER to see what wrong w/ me. I had a kidney stone from lack of drinking. And I'm 12! I'm too young. Anyways, later on the doctor said that I was going to have surgery if I don't pass it. Stayed overWenight... That morning I had ultrasounds, and a CT scan... They saw that I have passed th stone! Then January 10th. Comes along..... I had a 5th grade project of observing a living thing in a 2L bottle. That where the hermit crab comes along.. We bought Mr. Crabs from Petco ( in Georgia) on the 10th! And that's why I only have one hermit crab. So I named him Mr. Crabs two days after. He wasn't going to be named mr crabs at first. I still couldn't make a name for him until mom started calling him Mr. Crabs. Mom bought me a guide book for him until disaster struck..... Mr. Crabs molted in march on the day of spring break!!! I the book didn't talk about molting!!!! The book lied. So I started to research hermit crabs and how they live. I got 90% of my info from here! Then came October 19th he molted a 2nd time EXEPT I knew what to do. After that I decided to join HCA. Every 10th day of every month passes I will tell y'all about how long he has been with me. This is our back story. Tell me what you think?

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Re: Mr. Crab's past...

Post by Crabinski » Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:46 am

Great story: your sudden illness, the school project, Mr Crabs' "surprise" molt! Love the statement "The book lied" :lol: ! It's amazing and sad at how lacking or just plan wrong the information in pet care guides can be. When I first started crabbing, I also had a guide book that, in retrospect, turned out to be more wrong than right. Ditto the guide book I had when I first kept mice (Wow! was that one ever off base in so many areas!). So glad that you and Mr Crabs have found your way to HCA -- you'll both benefit from being here, so keep on asking questions and sharing your experiences.
PPs are Big Enzo, Charles Paris and Mr Pinch
On the Big Beach in the Sky: Murray, Gino, Oscar, Gordon, Ignatz, Harry and King Felix the Pale
Also Mom to Imogene the Syrian Hamster

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Re: Mr. Crab's past...

Post by CrabCakes » Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:36 pm

My hermit crab is the 1st small pet I have EVER had. I have 3 dogs and a personal hermit crab to play with xD

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Re: Mr. Crab's past...

Post by landlubber » Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:40 pm

I love your story! You should consider being a writer, and writing children's stories featuring Mr. Crabs. It would be so cute.
6 PPs, 4 Straws, 3 Es * 1 Teeny, 6 Smalls, 4 Mediums, 1 large and 1 Jumbo in a 70 gallon
1 Boxer puppy, 1 Yorchie mutt, 1 cat, 1 ball python, 1 boa

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Re: Mr. Crab's past...

Post by CrabCakes » Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:24 pm

Really?! Thanks but sadly I'm only 12 but I can manage

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me n my hermikids
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Re: Mr. Crab's past...

Post by me n my hermikids » Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:45 pm

12 year olds can do amazing things!

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Mr. Crabs

Re: Mr. Crab's past...

Post by Mr. Crabs » Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:36 pm

Hey guys I'm banned on my crab cakes account

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