Crested Gecko Help!

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Crested Gecko Help!

Post by soilentgringa » Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:04 pm

My friend's power has been out all day with no idea of when Oncor would show up, and the temp was dropping so she sent her crested gecko to my house.
We couldn't move the 20 gallon tank but I had a few empty 10's and heat mats from crab adoptions so I set up a 10G (temporary) and applied the heat mat to the side.

She has a little bit of EE/Sphagnum Moss in the bottom (like an inch of substrate total) and a climbing hide covered with plastic ivy.

Temp says 75° and humidity is around 70%.

She sent a bottle of Repashy with her.

I have no idea how to properly care for crested geckos so any and all help is appreciated.

*She JUST texted me as I am typing and said her power is fixed, but that I can keep the gecko here (she is moving in with me on the 1st, so may as well keep her)*

So yes, please! Any help with Charlie Froggy Bottom would be great.


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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by wodesorel » Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:10 am

Calla has several!!
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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by soilentgringa » Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:18 am


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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by soilentgringa » Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:19 am

Can they eat isopods because my population is outta control...

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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by wodesorel » Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:43 am

Couple of things - they are arboreal, so the tank on end is better since they want to climb. Plants should be at the top so they feel secure. Temp should never be over 80 or they overheat, and I think into the 60's at night is good. (It's why I don't have them, can't keep them cool enough for half the year.) Not sure about isopods. Repashy and Pangea forum/FB are trusted sources of care, will have good guides!
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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by CallaLily » Sun Nov 22, 2015 7:31 am

What Wode said! I like the Pangea forum though I haven't been active over there. You'll find a lot of info there. Temps between 70-80F. I think anything over 82ish or below 65 is worrisome. It can get too warm in my house in summer, I had to use frozen water bottles placed on top of the cage to keep them from getting too hot. It was a pain but it worked. I didn't keep their vivs constantly moist. I lightly misted in the mornings and again more heavily in the evenings, allowing a period between for them to dry out a little. It's a fine line - too moist all the time can lead to respiratory problems, too dry can cause shed issues. Don't let it drop below 50% but they need a few hours every day of high humidity (80%).

No idea about isopods. Sorry.

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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by soilentgringa » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:50 pm

@CallaLily Can cresteds be housed together? We are discussing an exo terra or custom tall enclosure for Charlie and Connor wants one as well. Someone in Dallas just craigslisted an entire colony of over 25.

(It appears they have been sold already)

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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by CallaLily » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:55 am

Some have luck with housing females together but there is risk of injury. I believe they need to be adults and of similar size but even then there can be problems with aggression. I don't have any experience with females. Males should not be housed together. Male and female of course will breed, and even if you were planning to breed them, shouldn't be housed together constantly. I have no experience with breeding either.

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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by soilentgringa » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:32 am

CallaLily wrote:Some have luck with housing females together but there is risk of injury. I believe they need to be adults and of similar size but even then there can be problems with aggression. I don't have any experience with females. Males should not be housed together. Male and female of course will breed, and even if you were planning to breed them, shouldn't be housed together constantly. I have no experience with breeding either.
Oh okay :) better to be safe than sorry then! Thanks!

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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by CallaLily » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:42 am

That's the way I always viewed it too, but without ever having females I didn't put a ton of thought or research into it. I did see quite a few conversations on it over on the Pangea forums when I was active over there. It's one of those things where people in the hobby are a little divided over.

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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by soilentgringa » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:49 am

I may actually wait on any more pets. I am looking at my roommates empty tanks that have to be set up again with new sub this week and am internally cringing at everything that needs to be done. There are empty 29, 40, 60, and 75 gallon tanks in my living room floor right now and oh joy! the 75 has a cracked bottom. Her crabs are in totes for the moment.
The iguana is getting a MegaRay this month and a new CHE as well as an enclosure upgrade. She free roams and has daily baths but needs to be in the humidity and just absolutely hates to stay in her cage. She is outgrowing it, though.
Roommates cats are also moving in so I REALLY have to make sure the iguana is safe as my cats don't bother her other than to "boop" her on the head and lay down under her lamps.

Sorry for the novel LOL, I am not a morning person and I am not prepared to face this day just yet.

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Re: Crested Gecko Help!

Post by fantasybookworm » Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:55 pm

Sounds like we're in similar situations! :lol: I begin my three weeks of craziness tomorrow - doing a bunch of prep stuff before we get the keys for our apartment on Thursday, and I'm building a false bottom and starting to set the 55g up on Friday, then moving all of the sub, crabs, etc. over on Saturday, then new crabs come home on Sunday. And in the next two weeks, I'm finishing building cages & buying supplies to bring home the ball python & hedgehog.

I hope you find a good way to keep your iguana safe until she gets her enclosure upgrade! Cat scratches/bites are so nasty...Hopefully roommate's cats will be friendly. And the crestie is adorable! :D I want to get one eventually, but don't plan to bring anything else new home for several months with all of the new additions this month!
