Not sure what's going on...

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.

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Not sure what's going on...

Post by CrabbySquirrel » Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:01 am

2 of my crabs have been down for a while....last night, I noticed one of them near the surface, but still kinda buried so I left it alone. This morning, he was right at the surface in a big crater, on top of another crab that has been down molting. I opened the glass door to the tank and heard lots of little noises - almost like chirping. I picked up the one on top and moved him a few inches away and then just watched. The one his was on top of woke up and moved around a bit. More noises....

Now when I just checked, they are both back in that hole/crater again -- the first one seems to have much interest in the second one - more noises, and doesn't seem to want to be separated......but since both are fresh up from molts, is there any danger that the interest is not just missing each other?

hope this makes sense....thoughts?

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Re: Not sure what's going on...

Post by CallaLily » Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:06 am

I would give them both a quick dip in the freshwater pool. Just in case.

Also, be sure to provide plenty of extra shells. Don't forget protein and calcium sources along with fruit, veg, etc.

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Re: Not sure what's going on...

Post by CrabbySquirrel » Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:20 am

Yep - hubby came and dipped them (they were attached at that point) and it still didn't help. After a little more careful coaxing, he got them apart and we put them at opposite ends of the tank. We have plenty of shells (or so I think - about 3 per crab to choose from), and they have fresh food in the tank.....but yes, we're pretty sure the one just wants the others shell.....

I don't have an ISO tank setup :( - what else can I do if this becomes an issue...??

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Laurie LeAnn
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Re: Not sure what's going on...

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:20 pm

I separated mine for a few days just make sure crabby paddy would leave my others alone..have time to chow down on some high protein stuff..I always gave baths after moors..they smell YUMMY to other crabs

me n my hermikids
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Re: Not sure what's going on...

Post by me n my hermikids » Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:31 pm

If you have extra shells switch them out. Maybe fresh shells will attract the offender away from the defender.

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Re: Not sure what's going on...

Post by CrabbySquirrel » Wed Nov 25, 2015 9:05 am

Update: after we separated them, the attacker went under and I haven't seen him since. The one being attacked (Lucia) climbed up high into a tree and has stayed there since. I have only seen her come down from there one time for some water and then go back into the tree. Is that normal for a stressed crab (either one of them, the attacker or attacked) to de-stress for days like this? I also cleaned out the shell shop and all of the shells (gave them a nice rinse in salt water) and put them back.
