Anyone know why food mites keep filling my water bowls?

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Anyone know why food mites keep filling my water bowls?

Post by itsme143 » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:13 am

We've had food mites on and off the whole time we've had crabbies (1.5. years). AT first we freaked out and purged the whole tank before we realized they were not harmful.

Does anyone know why they keep filling up the water bowls? I don't think it's because the crabs are carrying them there. Sometimes our first indication that we have any is the appearance of a neat, circular cluster on the water. Anyone else have the same experience?

Also, ARE they drawn to/eating the crab food (because we never see them there, even upon close inspection), or are they eating other stuff?


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Re: Anyone know why food mites keep filling my water bowls?

Post by wodesorel » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:57 am

They have no ability to swim, so they go for the moisture and fall in. If you check our mite guide, two of the photos we have (one is mine) are of groups in water dishes. They raft together like ants to try and survive without drowning.

They are known as food, grain and wood mites. They eat anything organic - leaves, moss, wood, coconut huts, coconut fiber, crab poop, crab food, and dead things. I rarely find mine in or around the food dish - except when I feed banana. The mites go CRAZY for only banana for some strange reason!
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