New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

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New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by wodesorel » Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:28 pm

I need to stop browsing FB classifieds in the middle of the night. I wasn't even looking for geckos - I was looking for tanks for the new crab build. :?

She had posted one photo and the gecko looked a little noodley. I contacted her and asked for more pictures and my heart sank. They looked horrific. I had to get them. I was going to pay for them at first, but at the urging of the RFUK group, I contacted her again, explained what was wrong with them and offered to rehab them if she was willing to give them to me for free. She even included their decor when we got to the house. She knew something was wrong but the pet store had told her they were fine. Once I said it was MBD and she researched it she was horrified. Their adult daughter abandoned them at their house and they were just doing the best they knew how to.

No calicum in the past year. Crickets were not being fed let alone gut loaded properly. Tank was over 100 degrees with a heat lamp. No moist hide. And all three are males.

They are rubber. RUBBER. They can't even squish up a squishy caterpillar their jaws are so soft.

There were three layers of shed in some places. The skinny one is probably going to end up blind in one eye from bad shedding, and they don't even shed their eyeballs like snakes do!

I honestly don't know if they'll survive. I'm still trying to figure out if it's humane to even try to save them. Too overloaded to even go there tonight and vet isn't open for three days.

I did get them all to eat by forcefeeding and they also drank. They're clean of most of the shed, except what's on their tippy toes. Which I think they're going to loose anyway because of how thick and tight the shed was.

Just ugh. :( And I can't even be mad at the owner because she was so flipping nice and horrified about what was going on once she learned about it. I'm mad at the stupid daughter and the stupid pet shop!

I'm worried he's just going to drop dead he's so thin.
On the ride home, shed on his head and tail.
After getting cleaned up and fed:

This one is full of bubbles and cupcakes. He can't actually cause damage by biting, but he tries! He has a broken/dislocated jaw. I think that means we have to put him to sleep, but I'm not positive.
Ride home
Clean and fed. He still has flipper feet from them being stuck in shed so long.

He's probably the best of the group, but he has severe scoliosis of the spine. All his organs are sitting to one side... Also a biter, but also the only one to take whole worms!

So yeah.... In a few days this will either be a rehab thread or a memorial thread....
Fingers crossed.
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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by fantasybookworm » Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:30 pm

I can't even believe these pictures....those poor babies. :( This is just heartbreaking. I'm glad you have them now, but I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. I wish I was closer and could help out. I'll be sending lots and lots of good thoughts your way for these little ones. Fingers crossed...

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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:43 am

Omg...they are so lucky you found them. You are a lifesaving angel Wode. Time and time again you step in and save hurt, sick or suffering babies. You are amazing.

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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by Crabinski » Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:00 pm

Good way to start the morning, crying over these poor geckos :cry: . Thank you so much, wodesorel, for at least giving these fellas a chance and fie upon the original owner and the "experts" at the pet store :x .
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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by megmaholm » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:53 pm

Oh my gosh, those poor babies :( That breaks my heart. I know they have their best possible chance with you, and even if they don't make it I'm so glad they ended up with you.
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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by rainbow_crab » Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:21 pm

I have never seen any Leo this bad off. Ever. It's heart breaking, I know they are suffering but I'm glad you are able to try and rehab them. Not sure how much they will recover due to there bad circumstances but I wish you the best of luck and pray they can come back from that. It's not really recommended but soaking there feet in Luke warm water will help loosen the skin though with how bad these guys are I. Not sure if the stress would be worth it. I have had to use the tape method before on snake eyes, and on my friends chameleon to help the shedding process. It irritates them but long term it usually helps. Once again it was only one layer of shed so different circumstances. But best of luck and I can't think of a better person to love these guys and help them.

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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by wodesorel » Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:47 pm

I've talked with multiple people I trust about these guys, and the consensus has been - give them about week, see if there is any sign of improvement, and decide what to do then. A few have agreed that had the vet been open on the way back I would have been right to have the white one euthanized immediately. Since I have to wait for the office to open, might as well see how he does like the other two and if any start to crash put them down asap.

They are all eating by syringe. Made a big batch of pureed bugs, calcium and water. (I have no appetite now, but eh.) It went smoother than I had hoped. Will do that through tomorrow and the vet can hopefully see them the next day.

With the skinny one the biggest worry is organ failure at this point. If he doesn't pass food that's our answer.

The other two will come down to how severely broken they are. I think scoliosis dude has fractures on his spine. The plump one has a frog mouth. Both are really spunky though and try to bite! That much energy is what is keeping me from going straight to euth even with their injuries.

There hasn't been much study done into pain in reptiles. They can eat and move and do normal things even with horrendous injuries. As much as I want someone to tell me "yes, they are in pain the humane thing is put them down" or "no, the pain they're experiencing is fine, get them healthy and they'll be good for years" I am not going to get that answer. :( That is what has been leaving me panicking. Not knowing now, and knowing that I'm not going to ever find out which is the "right" answer. If the people I trust to be brutally honest aren't even sure, it's leaving me going in circles. But, the plan is one week and reassess. I can do that.
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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by pearl29mi » Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:36 am

I just saw a rescue like this on instagram on the account @sillytoadgirl, the poor gecko was so skinny and had 3 layers of shed on them. It's so heartbreaking to see them like this :(
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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by rainbow_crab » Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:38 pm

It's a tough situation, these guys seemed to be holding on so far. With some tlc maybe atleast one of them will bounce back to his own sort of normal. It's tough I myself would give them a chance and even with there past injuries if they have healed enough that they are still mobile I would try to keep them alive. If they can't get around enough to eat or drink then I would have to put them down. It's heart breaking but for quality of life purpose if they can't get to a point where they can move or eat or drink and are in pain, it's best to not let them suffer. Your amazing for all your doing for them keep us updated. You always do what you feel is right and that makes you someone special. Good luck wode

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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by wodesorel » Mon Dec 28, 2015 8:35 pm

They have to be assist fed for now. Their mouths are like muppets! It's really disturbing. But they are quick to lap up anything put near their mouth and I fed all three in under 10 minutest his morning. I got poops out of the other two overnight, too! Mostly urates from Skinny, and a completely normal poop from The Scoliosis Kid. All good signs. Skinny tried to bite me today when I reached for him to get him in the bath. Another really good sign. I'm hoping the vet doesn't freak when he sees them. I have more hope today that they might actually recover somewhat normally. All are moving now to regulate temps and perk up when they see us moving. Carnivore care will be here in two days which will make meals easier and more nutritious for them. UVB light is on the way as well. (Online the prices aren't ridiculous, and I'm borrowing a friend's Prime account so there's free shipping. Just don't tell my mom that the money she gave me for Christmas isn't going to clothes like she wanted... )

And my pet shop lady asked tonight if I would be able to take on two more leos and a beardie... :shock: I told her if they came with heat and UVB I could. I have the tanks, the space, the time, and the feeders really aren't so bad since I'm already buying bulk. (Even if half drop dead before I get through them, it's still way WAY cheaper than buying as needed - and the crabs will clean up the carcasses so there is no waste.) But I'm completely out of hardware to get them set up properly and can't afford to buy more.
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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by fantasybookworm » Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:12 pm

I'm so glad to hear these little ones are still fighting. Your news is definitely encouraging! Keeping good thoughts going your way and fingers crossed for them. Keep us updated, I'm definitely going to be following this story!!

(Also I'm glad I'm not the only one who spent my Christmas money on animals instead of me. :lol: My $50 Amazon giftcard from my dad went completely towards animal stuff. I thought briefly about getting a book and then decided I'd rather get enrichment items for my hedgehog and the crabs!)

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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by wodesorel » Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:56 pm

I glanced over at the shirts tonight at Walmart and was like no, no, save it for calcium syrup instead. :hlol: I do this every year. I get all excited having a few extra dollars and then it goes right to the critters.

Pardon the poos - I'm only moving them twice a day during feedings and it'll get cleaned out then. Don't want to make them move around more than I have to right now!



(Not actually sure which end this came out of. :( That worries me.)
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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by CallaLily » Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:28 am

I know I already said it but I am soo glad these babies found their way to you, Wode!! If they have any chance at all, I know it's with you.
fantasybookworm wrote:
(Also I'm glad I'm not the only one who spent my Christmas money on animals instead of me. :lol:
Me too! I've already purchased another humidifier with my Christmas money and I'm hoping I have enough left over to buy another ultratherm.

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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by wodesorel » Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:39 pm

Vet says give them a chance. :D I've got pain meds for them now and am waiting on the two types of calcium they'll need to rebuild bone. (Injectable and oral.) We'll take a day at a time and go from there.
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Re: New project - 3 leopard geckos with severe MBD...

Post by Sweet Pea » Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:29 pm

Wishing you the best with them. They are definitely in good hands.

I'm not a lizard person at all, but I keep checking back for news on them.

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