Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

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Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by wodesorel » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:27 pm

It's been a few months and I feel like I owe everyone who contributed an update. (I'd be more than happy to sing your names from the rooftops, but won't unless specifically told it's okay. :) )

We've more or less finalized plans. What I'm waiting on right now is locating two used 70 or 75 gallon tanks. The local reptile rescue sells donated tanks that size for around $50 dollars. They should have one they're holding for me, and we're just waiting on the second to make the drive up there (about a 3 hour round trip) to collect them. They might even bring them down for us during the adoption event. :)

I kept thinking and thinking about how we were going to do a tank that is 5 feet long safely. Our house is old (built 1906) and the floors are very uneven. I've already got some water damage coming through the outside of the Display Case - I won't be able to check until I tear it apart, but I'm pretty sure it's due to cracking of the epoxy coat at the bottom seam where the base meets the sides.

So, epoxy became my last choice, since I need this build to be permanent. Also, I wasn't sure how much I would need - I have a gallon of the epoxy I purchased a couple years ago that should still be good, but at nearly $100 a gallon plus good quality plywood to construct the base - there was a good possibility it could have blown the budget on just the base.

I was playing with the ideas of using some sort of liner. It wouldn't crack, and any unevenness wouldn't matter since it has so much give to it. I could have used a cheaper plywood as well since it wouldn't matter if the surface had imperfections. However, a liner that is thick enough to possibly withstand hermit crab claws - since it would have been an untested theory I was going with something that was turtle safe - is ridiculously expensive. Half the budget would have gone to the liner alone, not including the plywood to contain it.

So, ultimately, we decided on the used tank idea. Two 70 gallons placed side by side (or 75 or 90 gallons, but it looks like 70's are the most common one they get) for around $100 total plus the gas to get there and back - and it's a donation to a good cause in the process. We can put them on a 4x4 base to get them to the right height, and then use a very thin decorative plywood (possibly bead board! I love that look and it's very inexpensive) to hide the frankenstein-ness of the build and the wiring. Ideally I wouldn't need to hide it, but I don't really want the cats to try to squeeze under the tank so covering it all up is going to be necessary.

If you did the math, that leaves a foot on the end unaccounted for. I have a 20 gallon turtle tank (one short side goes halfway up) that I have been wanting to put in as a brackish pool. I had been trying to figure out how to anchor that weight, but this way I can make a platform (either epoxy coated with sand or possibly tiled with natural stone) and it'll be solid without having to worry about the crabs digging under it or it collapsing/cracking.

Once we get the tanks we can get measurements to finalize the upper build using dimensional lumber to frame the windows. The front and back will be aluminium rimmed picture storm windows measuring 60 inches long by 40 inches high. ($5 each at the Restore, and I bought 2 spares just in case.) The side glass will be a pair of wood framed 47 inches high and 16 inches wide storm windows on either side ($2 each with 2 extras) that are hinged so they swing open for easy access. The support for the windows and for the canopy where the lights and humidifier will be hidden will be run up the corner on either side to make up the difference in width between the tanks (36 inches) and the windows (32 inches)

Windows! We got those back in September.

I figure the inside we'll fill up using the stack of branches from the tree we had taken off the house last year. The tank will be see-through in the space between the kitchen and dining room, so no backgrounds needed. I've got the branches piled up against the shed. We can cut more branches as needed from my MIL's property. There's an ash that's been infected with borers that has to come down anyway. :( I've also got six slate roofing tiles (12x24) from my great aunt's old barn that I've been dying to use for the crabs. They'll make perfect platforms above the pools so they stay clean, and it'll allow me to create moss pits and shell shops up high. I'll use the thick trunk to make a rough framework to anchor things to, and then go hog wild building up platforms and ramps using smaller branches.

For heating/lighting/humidity I'd like to have everything contained in the canopy. Right now the idea for the canopy is two ceramic heat emitters on dimmers, some florescent tube lights (we have an old x-ray board in our garage we can hopefully scavenge for ballasts, tombstones and wiring), one small fan that blows over the heat emitters to circulate the heat and humidity, and on the far end a bit plastic container with a fogger inside. I'd also like to somehow incorporate fans and/or vents into either end for summer to keep the tank from overheating. The florescent lights would be on a timer to run 12 hours a day, and the fogger would be on a different timer to run for a half-hour two or four times a day. That would probably need to be adjusted depending on the season. All of this would be protected from the crabs by white eggcrate lighting diffusers.

The very first step though will be putting in 4x4 support posts in the basement directly under where the tank is going. This much weight on these old floors is a recipe for disaster. The other bummer is that the joists are running the wrong way for this project - instead of being perpendicular and spreading the weight out over many, it's running parallel so it'll be on three joists only, in the middle of the expanse, where the walls and joists have already been messed with. Three support columns, and then I'll feel better knowing it's not going to cave in the floor. The 4x4s are not that expensive (around $5 each) and we'll need four total. I had wanted to put the build in the living room, but the only wall big enough would have put the support columns right in the middle of the laundry room door downstairs. It would have been barely passable, but it would have been a pain to live with.

Edited to add: I'm having hubby put this all on it's own GFCI breaker. I'm a little worried about using the existing wiring and it's going to be extremely simple and not cost too much more to add a breaker and run a dedicated line for just the tank.

So... yeah. Just have to start collecting everything. :)
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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by CallaLily » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:48 pm

:clap: I can't wait to see it all come together!

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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by megmaholm » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:59 pm

Wow, that's hardcore! I'm impressed with your resourcefulness and creativity. I can't wait to see/hear more on your progress. :)
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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by nepenthes » Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:19 pm

I, too, am eager for updates on this epic project! Wish I could help :D

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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by landlubber » Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:23 pm

What an ambitious project! I can't wait to see what magic you pull off!
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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by aussieJJDude » Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:32 pm

OMG, I can't believe I forgot to subscribe. *Subscribe* I can't wait to see you pull this off, which I'm sure you will.
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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by jclee » Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:41 pm

This sounds amazing.

If the floors are only a little unleveled, you can try Styrofoam sheets in layers to help the tank deal with any uneven weight distribution at the base. I also wondered whether pond liners might be a good last defense, just in case one of the tanks does crack. (Don't know whether the crabs would dig down and shred at it, though?)

This is an amazing project. I am jealous, and I am excited to see it come together.
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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by wodesorel » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:45 pm

The floors are seriously not level. They're also made of yellow pine, so I'm expecting to put dents in the floor with this thing. :anon:

Tentatively picking the tanks up next Wednesday. :D Hubby has to run to a furniture store nearby for a desk for work so if we borrow the big van we should be able to fit everything in the back and make one trip.
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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by fantasybookworm » Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:43 pm

Good lord. You guys are amazing! I couldn't understand everything you were talking about. :lol: I'm amazed that people can design builds like this! I can't wait to see things come together, this is going to be awesome to watch!!!

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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by wodesorel » Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:09 pm

Made the drive to Cleveland and back today for the tanks. Left at 3, got back at 8. (Not all driving, spent a lot of time at the rescue talking. :) ) Also picked up some really cheap 10s and screens for the scorpion breeding project (separating babies out this week and getting the moms ready for another round), and got expert advice about the MBD gecko. All in all, it was a good day. Just exhausting! We never travel like that unless we have to.

Tanks will be unloaded tomorrow. We're both too tired tonight. The good new is that Hubby should be able to lift the 70's by himself! I don't have to worry about hurting my back or trying to figure out who to rope into helping him. (What's really kind of funny/weird is that we have an old 55 gallon from the 1970's stuck upstairs because it weighs more than one of those 70. :shock: )

Total spent on both 70's (including tax): $106.92 -> and it all went to the reptile rescue since they resell tanks that have been donated. :D


They'll need cleaned up a bit, but both are solid with no cracks. Should be able to hold moist substrate to the rims without trouble!

I'll probably get Hubby started with a stand for the frog tank if the weather is decent, since it'll be much more simple and we have the scrap wood for it already on hand. I'm a little afraid to ask him to start on something as major as the supports for these monstrosities since it's been nearly a year since he last worked on a wood project for me. I would much rather see this crab project go smoothly, since we have to purchase thicker lumber to do it. (Also need to work on the floor supports!)

If anyone is near Cleveland and needs cheap tanks or lids of any size (they have some spectacularly awesome and odd ones), hit these guys up! https://www.facebook.com/Herps-Alive-62345873433/
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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by landlubber » Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:07 pm

So glad you got those 70s and that they'll work for you. I thought they were being taken to you. :?: Did you get the one with the crack or a different one?

Yes, I will be hitting them up soon for a bigger tank for Beauty. If they get another 125 in I'd be all over it.
6 PPs, 4 Straws, 3 Es * 1 Teeny, 6 Smalls, 4 Mediums, 1 large and 1 Jumbo in a 70 gallon
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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by wodesorel » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:19 pm

We had hoped they could, but his volunteer had to work the day of the event so his van was stuffed with animals to the brim instead. These are two different ones, so they are completely intact, including the rims. :) Nice tanks. It's going to hurt to fill them in. It really is. But I won't ever have to worry about them leaking down the road.

They still have the 120/125 for $80!
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Re: Update on Wode's newest crabitat build

Post by landlubber » Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:29 pm

You and your crabbies deserve those tanks just as much as anyone else. :) You bought 'em, your money went to a good cause, fill 'em up with sand all you want! :wink:
6 PPs, 4 Straws, 3 Es * 1 Teeny, 6 Smalls, 4 Mediums, 1 large and 1 Jumbo in a 70 gallon
1 Boxer puppy, 1 Yorchie mutt, 1 cat, 1 ball python, 1 boa
