I have started crabbing in June. After many mistakes I have figured it out. With the help of every one here. I love reading every thing on here.
I want to brag about my new tank and newly remodeled tank. I have 3 pp. Harry, pokie, and turbo. They are currently in a 10 gallon tank.
I just added the shell shop from ideas on here. My crabbies love their bridge. I have it attached with suction cups. I'm not sure if I'm going to move it to my big tank (40 gallon) or not. I hit the dollar tree today. And found lots of neat stuff. They had a mixed lot of shells. Tupperware. Twine. Fake flowers and so on.
With the twine I am making a net.
I've decided to line the back of my tank with " monkey grass ". I have frozen potting soil so that I know that I have some thing bug free. ( I hope) I put it in there for little more than 78 hours. I wanted to try for a week. But I'm too excited to start planning it. Im using some up cycled dominos boxes that where nor contaminated with food (they had cookie brownies and sandwiched in them
This grass is pretty hard to kill. I'm going to use the double tub method for my fresh water fountain.
This is the only things i have figured out where to place. I still want a shell shop, moss pit. Wall net. 2nd level? More rope bridges. I'm not sure.
Dollar tree shopping spree
What does your tank look like?? What special treats so your crabs love? Mine love dehydrated beet's.
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