by landlubber » Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:08 pm
I have some live plants-but they don't do much better for me than they did for you. I use spider plants, pothos and wondering jew clippings rooted in EE and worm castings with some pebbles in the bottom of a planter (hanging shower caddy). Since they are just clippings they look great for the short time the crabs allow them to live but once destroyed I just clip a few more pups from the momma plants and its no big deal-no great expense. Also being in the shower caddy not every crabs is walking on them and pulverizing them so they last a little longer. These plants do well in lower light with little water. I think the airplants and those species need more light than I can provide in my set up at the moment. I also always have planters going on my windowsill to replace the seed sprouts I also use as live plants. Super cheap and easy, chia, alfalfa, bean sprouts. Just plant new ones when the old are eaten.
6 PPs, 4 Straws, 3 Es * 1 Teeny, 6 Smalls, 4 Mediums, 1 large and 1 Jumbo in a 70 gallon
1 Boxer puppy, 1 Yorchie mutt, 1 cat, 1 ball python, 1 boa