Sooooo, how many of you have crabs named "Hermie"?

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Re: Sooooo, how many of you have crabs named "Hermie"?

Post by DragonsFly » Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:11 pm

No Hermies here. Our first two rescues came in named "Major Tom" and "Billie Jean." I thought we'd keep the convention of naming after characters in pop songs (MT 1970's, BJ 1980's, then 1990's), so our third rescue we called "Mister Jones," but once the big bunch of rescues came in, I could no longer tell them apart, so. . . names became a moot issue. We are down to 5 or 6 now (depending whether the rescue in iso survives), and I can still tell MT and BJ (because they are the biggest; MT is a jumbo now and BJ almost as big, and I obsessively record shell changes), but if the others catch up in size, I'm not sure I'll be able to recognize them (as someone mentioned, it would be possible for two similar-sized crabs to do multiple shell changes in one night and end up in each other's shells, so. . . ). Since I don't see MT or BJ for months upon months on end (MT's been down molting for almost a year now, this time), I don't quite know how I would recognize them from molt to molt other than by size and shell (tips, anyone?). I do hope to eventually re-home all but our first two or three; I don't look forward to trying to provide for 6 jumbo crabs, named or unnamed!
--{}: Dragons Fly Farm --{}:
Resident PP's:"Major Tom" & "Billie Jean"

“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”
― G.K. Chesterton

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The Franckinator
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Re: Sooooo, how many of you have crabs named "Hermie"?

Post by The Franckinator » Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:06 am

My very first crab was named Hermie. S/he was a SuperWings display crab (probably at Myrtle Beach) and died soon after putting him/her in a semi-proper tank setup - it was either pps or the other crabs ate it. This was long before I knew about how to take care of crabs correctly. At that time, my mom and I knew to keep it humid and hot and we needed sand and hiding spots; way better than what was at SuperWings, but not necessarily "correct". That same batch of crabs was singled out (relatively quickly) to my oldest crab named Ray. :) I've had him longer than some of the pro people on here have been crabbing.
He's crawling all over my wrist..and he's sayin', "Won't you hurry up and get the mist?
"Feels like a desert around.. my bowls and sand Imma frown..
(To the tune of "Business" by Eminem)
