Natural Fiber Sisal Rope

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Re: Natural Fiber Sisal Rope

Post by ErikRasmussen » Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:09 am

agentcrabby wrote:So, I weaved this from a palm frond.
It's about 18 inches long and I will loop over my driftwood catwalk, as a kind of ladder. It's stronger than it looks.

What do you think?

Sent from The South Florida Kingdom of Hermies
Nice! If you scrape off the pulp of the frond (you can use a clam shell) until the only the long fibrous strands are left you can turn it into rope, i forgot about palms because there aren't many in Utah lol

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Re: Natural Fiber Sisal Rope

Post by agentcrabby » Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:41 am

ErikRasmussen wrote:
agentcrabby wrote:So, I weaved this from a palm frond.
It's about 18 inches long and I will loop over my driftwood catwalk, as a kind of ladder. It's stronger than it looks.

What do you think?

Sent from The South Florida Kingdom of Hermies
Nice! If you scrape off the pulp of the frond (you can use a clam shell) until the only the long fibrous strands are left you can turn it into rope, i forgot about palms because there aren't many in Utah lol
Thanks for the advice. Papi seems to enjoy this."rope" for both climbing and eating!!

I thinks it going to dry out nicely, and I am going to make more!

Sent from The South Florida Kingdom of Hermies

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Re: Natural Fiber Sisal Rope

Post by GotButterflies » Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:32 am

Very cool! What are you using the "rope' for? We have lots of those here in Florida!

Very interesting @LadyJinglyJones! I have had the wasps occur and emerge from a caterpillar. It was disgusting.
Truly blessed to have incredible creatures, wonderful friends and my amazing family in my life!! I'm very thankful & grateful for all of them!

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Re: Natural Fiber Sisal Rope

Post by agentcrabby » Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:55 am

GotButterflies wrote:Very cool! What are you using the "rope' for? We have lots of those here in Florida!

Very interesting @LadyJinglyJones! I have had the wasps occur and emerge from a caterpillar. It was disgusting.
I used this rope so the hermies can climb up to a high piece of driftwood. I really was just curious how to make a natural rope, so this was my Guinea pig...

Sent from The South Florida Kingdom of Hermies

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