Crab eating plastic!

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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Re: Crab eating plastic!

Post by fandt94 » Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:14 am

hprmom wrote:
fandt94 wrote:Love your tank! May I ask what you have the cuttle bone zipped to? I am really liking that idea!
Thanks! We drilled a hole in one end of the cuttlebone and zip tied it to the corner guard (on which Fezzik is napping). They climb on it as well as pick at it. The last one they whittled down to a nub so i know they’re getting calcium! Image

Plastic corner guard, in case you haven’t encountered yet, bought at home improvement store, drilled holes in it, and siliconed to the glass all around the tank. All our big pieces of decor (cork tree, cholla, bamboo, etc) are anchored to it with zip ties. I figure if it’s tied from above, it won’t sink into the sand when they tunnel under!

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This is a FANTASTIC idea! What section would I even look for this? (I’m home improvement challenged haha). My stuff is always sinking!
Mom to 3 human boys, 2 dogs - Hemi & Athena, 2 cats - Fat a$$ (realname Spark Plug) & Batman & 5 PP’s - Monstro, Pinkie aka Little Bit, Shellie, other 2 unnamed

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