What's on today's menu & recipe sharing ~2009~

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Crab Addict

What's on today's menu & recipe sharing ~2009~

Post by Crab Addict » Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:48 pm

I guess it went to archives! lol!
Yay, first one to post!
I fed my crabs coconut and freeze dried bloodworms!

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Post by Guest » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:22 pm

Tonight was carrot, celery,coconut, and dried baby shrimp.

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Post by Guest » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:06 pm

I just fed my crabs a bunch of stuff I will try to remember what I put in it but its all gone now. I put in clover comotion, surf and turf, premolt kibble, comotion, and blue green albacore. I think there was more but I can't remember it.

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Post by kgbenson » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:15 pm

fresh coconut, organic honey, flax seeds, freeze dried salmon, blue berries, dried organic mango.


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Post by somethingfishy » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:40 pm

Burning bush leaves, brine shrimp, and fresh bannana!
Crabber since '03
Owner of eight PP's...Joe my large, Rex, my medium, and New Girl, my small ) and 5 new rescues....names anyone?
And two E's...Sam and Ti.
Four successful molts and counting!
Other animals...Rhia, the golden retriever, Lefty the cat, Floppy the Rabbit and 13 fish!

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Post by Kilimanjaro » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:01 pm


Home-Made Granola (wheat germ, flax seed, coconut, honey, peanut butter, spirulina, cuttlebone, and oats), Dehydrated Krill, and Mount Kilimanjaro's Classic Cuttlebone: Hibiscus. :wink:

The last is something I came up for a food store I might start, but I'm not sure yet. It's cuttlebone soaked in juice (in this case hibiscus tea) and then powdered with a fruit/veggie/flower that matches the juice (in this case, it's hibiscus petals). :)

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Post by Big MaC » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:25 am

organic honey (straight from the hive), papaya, mango, Iceburgh Lettuce, Red Leaf Lettuce, Organic Full Carrot, Coco-Nut, Avacado, Honey Dew, dryed shrimp, and unseasoned hamburger (tomarrow will be the same only unseasoned Chicken, then unseasoned turkey then unseasoned beef again) :D And that is for my 3 PP's who are currently molting :x
★Rescuer of Illinois Crabs★ Has 21 in a 95gw tank★
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Post by MudCrabDude » Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:22 pm

For tonight, I call this the "Stinky Spinach Swabs"


Spinach leaves whole
Frozen Freshwater Crabs
(can substitute frozen mini krill, crickets, or perhaps mealworms or superworms)
Pieces of Cuttlebone




Put the frozen crabs and pieces of cuttlebone in mortar. Crush and smush with pestle for about 10-15 minutes until consistency of paste.

Using the spoon, scoop lumps of the paste on a spinach leaf.

Then drizzle honey on the shellfish mush on top of the spinach leaf.

Serve to land hermit crabs.

Reaction: One of my crabs, Harriet - a female pp, apparently made a beeline from across the tank after smelling the stuff as I closed the tank lid and is eagerly scooping up bits of shell and honey into her face. :D

Caution: Is definitely messy (lots of cleanup for the mortar and pestle) and has a high degree of stinkyness (mental note: need to watch out for crabs hiding uneaten food tonight...:confused: ) Definitely needs parental supervision and approval for the more youthful HCA members before embarking on this recipe. :D

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Post by CallaLily » Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:42 pm

cooked chicken and bone (broken open), Charentais melon, peas, green beans, corn, and carrots sprinkled with hermit-crabs.com recipe.

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Post by Kilimanjaro » Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:58 pm

Tonight they're having three kinds of shrimp. :)

Coconut shrimp (coconut and shrimp cooked in olive oil). :)

Sesame shrimp (boiled shrimp sprinkled with sesame). :)

Spirulina shrimp (shrimp boiled in saltwater and sprinkled with spirulina). :)


They're also having a side of burning bush leaves, rose petals, and flax seed. :D

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Post by NiftyJ88 » Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:36 pm

My guys are enjoying a smorgasbord tonight. Since emptying my 10 gallon ISO, I had a few extra food dishes. Here's what they got:
Staple mix (contains all food groups)
FMR treat
Worm Castings

Collard Greens
Coconut oil
Honey w/cuttlebone

Tin Man checked out every dish, but spent the longest time at the honey. I think they will all come out tonight to take a look!
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Post by SebbyCrab » Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:42 pm

Tonight's meal is a crabbie fave for my tank. Powdered brine shrimp, krill, bloodworms, with cuttle, and wheat germ mixed in, this serving is split in half and some mixed up with olive oil to make a paste.

The fresh food dish holds pineapple, mango, banana, some corn, cranberries and eggshell. I wanted to do a veggie fresh tonight, but we were out of the carrots and peppers I was going to rotate in.
PP's, E's, Straws, Violas

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Post by Guest » Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:07 am

Last night I made a mix that could act as a staple if u put carrot, coconut, celery, and oak or maple leaves in it. I just threw all this stuff in a bag, shook it up and put it in the freezer.

Sea Salt
Dried Red and green bell pepper
Dryed Shimp
Dryed Bloodworms
Hikari Brine shrimp and spirulina

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Post by hermiefanatic » Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:28 pm

I made them my own version of Hermie Fruitcake!
So here's how to make it:

First, I used my mortar & pestle to mush up raisins and cranberries until they were flattened and pliable. Then I set them in the food dish, making sure they were completely flat.
Next I put on my Color food mix & molt food mix. The color mix is as many known dried color enhancers I had, using Kili's food guide. The molting mix is as many dried foods known to used or help molts. I gently used the pestle to press the kibble into the raisins and cranberries.
I then again used my trusty mortar & pestle to grind up some oats & coconut. I then mixed that with some Coconut oil and spread on top of the two kibbles.

Then I piled on strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, pineapple, apple, and dates. Then I sprinkled on some FMR treat, shredded coconut, roses, flax seeds, sesame seed, crsuhed nuts, hibiscus flowers, blue malva flowers cuttlebone, and spurlina. Then I drizzled on honey.

For a garnish, I took A blackberry leaf & Raspberry leaf, covered them in coconut oil, and put ground up walnut.

Ta-Da! Lunch is served!!

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Post by Silver Buttons » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:02 pm

Today's menu:

pork chop (I broke pieces off before it was seasoned)
cherry pit with some fruit left on
purple potato
snap pea

Yes, that's purple potato. I buy bags of mixed-variety baby potatoes, and some of them are purple! I had never seen any like that before. Figured they might be good for my hermies' coloring. :lol:
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