As I am a music teacher all of my hermit crabs are named after musical terms. However, to make them sound like names rather than fractions, I named them the British note names. I plan on posting photos of each crab along the bottom of the tank for my students to see.
This is "Semi Breve" (aka Whole Note):
This is "Minim" (aka Half Note). Minim came in a small turbo shell and quickly changed it out for a shell that is WAY to big. If you look inside, you can barely see the purple pincher.
This is "Quaver" (aka Quarter Note). This hermit crab is a scaredy cat ... hence the name - quaver, define: to shiver. It took almost a half hour to get it to come out of it's shell for a photo. I finally put it on my hand and waited until it came out, then I put it in the tank.
This is "Semi" (aka Eighth Note).
I came to work today to find "Demi" (Sixteenth Note) under the moss on the left of the tank digging a hole to molt. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Needless to say, I will leave him alone for a while.
I came to work today and could not find "Hemi" (Thirty-Second Note). He was digging near the moss on the right side of the tank last Friday. When i lifted the moss, I found his tunnel. I hope he has a successful molt!