Fluctuating hydrometer?

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Fluctuating hydrometer?

Post by takinyan » Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:06 pm

I bought a new hydrometer/temp gauge since my last one was stuck at 0%. The humidity the new one reads jumps all over the place though. One hour it's at 70%, next is at 100%, then down to 60%, back up to 80%.... Is this normal? Is it fine as long as it's in a good range? There is no condensation on the glass whatsoever, so I'm not sure if the humidity is actually ok at all. Here is a pic of the one I bought.


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Re: Fluctuating hydrometer?

Post by CallaLily » Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:19 pm

There are directions here on how to calibrate your hygrometer to make sure your readings are accurate.
