PP? I'm not sure

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PP? I'm not sure

Post by kay_blahh » Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:44 pm

I rescued 2 hermies from a bad situation in December and almost immediately they both went down for a molt. Now that the last one came up and I'm getting to inspect them both together, I noticed there are a few differences. I'm almost positive our friend in the pearly white shell is a pp but I'm not so sure about the guy in the painted shell. If he's not a pp, I would love to learn how to better care for him. Thanks for the help!





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Re: PP? I'm not sure

Post by chica67 » Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:44 pm

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Re: PP? I'm not sure

Post by landlubber » Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:25 pm

Both look like gorgeous purple pinches! Lovely coloring, it would be so great if they maintained it!
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Re: PP? I'm not sure

Post by kay_blahh » Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:45 pm

Thanks for the reassurance, guys! I'm loving the colors on them too. White shell keeps getting darker brown/burgundy but painted shell has only been up a few days so we'll see. I'm feeding them extra good!!!
Now, if only he would ditch that shell...

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Re: PP? I'm not sure

Post by Kittykimbro@att.net » Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:19 pm

I had a PP in a painted shell too. He took 2 months to change out of it. I had him 6 shells to choose from and I thought he would never leave that shell. I just kept dipping them in salt water and placing them back. When he changed I gave him the next day to decide if he wanted to go back into it and then removed it from the tank. :D

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Re: PP? I'm not sure

Post by wodesorel » Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:08 am

Keep an eye on the dark spot on his BP. It's probably just minor damage to the exo from molting, which is really common. If it spreads or gets any bigger, let us know. :)
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Re: PP? I'm not sure

Post by kornchaser » Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:53 am

kay_blahh wrote:...

That's a -gorgeous- natural gradient of pastels, like a violet sunrise ImageImage

Twelve PP hermit babies Image

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Re: PP? I'm not sure

Post by kay_blahh » Fri Mar 11, 2016 7:49 pm

Yes! I was wondering what that dark spot was as I only noticed it in the picture and it became a concern but he seems to be doing fine so far. I referred to an earlier post about a hole in claw but it doesn't look quite like that. Will definitely be posting pics if it gets worse!!!
Still no shell change and I've been dipping them in saltwater. I will forever remain hopeful... Meanwhile my other buddy, Gabe changes shells almost every day lol
Pastel sunrise, Mitch says thank you for all the good vibes :D

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