So, I'm almost always either visiting family or away from home, which is pretty bad!!!
I used to just give them some extra food if it was a 1-2 day trip, but I hated the idea of old food in their tank.
Up until recently I found these little mineral rocks to give them when I'm gone (found at Petco) and they seem to eat them while I'm gone.
They come in a three pack, pretty small, and I used up all three in the past month or two.
I put one next to their food bowl and a little bit of coconut shavings.
In the picture is the packaging it was in and a (pretty eaten up) mineral rock.
I'm not sure if I trust it or not, I'm worried it falls into the category of "commercial food". I'll stop using them because I have hunch that that is the case.
What do I feed them while I'm gone? Is this safe?
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