Fairly new owner

Please post here if you are a new crab owner and someone will be along shortly to welcome you to the HCA! This is also the place to welcome new crabbies to your clan!
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Fairly new owner

Post by Jamison » Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:57 pm

I am a fairly new owner to 2 pp's. Thank you for all the great advice. Ps: I am keeping them in a five gallon tank,when do I need to get them a larger one.
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Re: Fairly new owner

Post by crabby33 » Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:01 pm

A 5 Gallon tank is considered too small by most crabbers. The rule is generally 10 Gallons per crab. A 20 Gallon is a good starter tank for 2 crabs. The reason a 5 is considered too small is because you’ll need about 6 inches of substrate or deeper, a fresh and saltwater pool for them to completely submerge, a food dish (please nothing from the pet store. A natural diet is recommended.) hides, and things to climb on. By the time you add all these things that are needed for them to thrive, there will hardly be any room for the crabs. So you would need a larger tank now.

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Re: Fairly new owner

Post by Motörcrab » Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:32 pm

Crabby is correct. Once you start adding everything they need there isn't much room to spare in either a 5 or 10 gallon tank. You can get by with a 10 gallon but a 20 gives you a few more options. Purple Pinchers, they can tolerate 5 gallons per crab. Strawberries and Ecudoran's require 10 gallons per crab minimum.

Like most of us we all started off with two crabs but it eventually turns into five or six, then upgrading the tank again!

We have a 30 gallon with 7 small/medium crabs and that seems to be a perfect balance of substrate and decorations, without taking up too much real estate in the house.

You can usually score some great tank deals on Craig's List, and other similar sites and apps. Sometimes even for free, just keep your eyes peeled.
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Re: Fairly new owner

Post by curlysister » Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:45 pm

LOL Motorcrab, I wonder how many of us still use the first tank we had? Probably not many, if we have been at this very long! Hahaha!

I have two crabs. I started with a 10 gallon, then moved up to a 20 gallon, and currently have them in a 55 gallon. This is having them for 8+ years. They grow, we add a bunch more stuff, and just need more and more space!
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Re: Fairly new owner

Post by crabby33 » Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:47 pm

I’m currently starting out with a 20 until my guys start getting too big for it. Right now they’re both molting.

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Re: Fairly new owner

Post by Xenocrab » Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:23 pm

I can't count the number of crabs I've had in the past 15 years. I have 7 on my tank now. Two are rescues. I'm always ready to adopt/rescue more at a moment's notice. It's hard not to buy them at pet stores, but that only feeds the animals for sale corporate machine. I definitely plan on having more and we have a plethora of tanks ready to be used!

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Re: Fairly new owner

Post by crabby33 » Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:57 pm

I’m thinking this is why purchasing crabs is frowned upon in some groups and adoptions are preferred and even recommended. Buying only fuels the demand and encourages pet stores to order more crabs. Adopt crabs from people who don’t want them anymore and you’re not supporting the pet trade and less crabs are taken from the wild.

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