Let's just call me... Time for the sake of ease.
I own 24 crabs in total. 7 Coenobita Perlatus, 2 C.Lila, 3 C.Rugosus, 2 C.Violascens and 10 unknown C.Spec. I keep them all in one crabitat which is about 768 liters or ~200 gallons. They have 54 liter/~14 gallon pools for both fresh and saltwater and 30cm/12inch deep substrate! I've kept them in that enclosure for nearly a year now without any problems and I already have plans for their next one!
Some might have seen my pictures on Reddit as I am fairly active in the Hermitcrab group.
I've been told I should share my pictures with this forum as they'd be greatly appreciated, so here we go!
I am very sorry about any formatting errors and I am open for any tips! And obviously I just hope it works out the way I plan it to.
Alright, let's see if this works!
Let's start off with one of my biggest Perlatus/Strawberries that I also kept the longest, 3 years in total now. He went through a rough time crabitat wise but I hope he is as happy as he could be today!
My Lilas have been sold as Purpureus, I'd say that was simply down to the reseller not knowing the difference. Or maybe it has been misidentified several times? Anyway, here he is as the king of the skull!
(Oh yeah, the preview looks like it's working as intended!)
Here are two of the unidentified Coenobita Species, would love some input on what they actually are!
And I obviously can't talk about my crabitat without posting pictures of that as well, so here we go.
For those wondering, yes they are real plants. Yes I am aware of the risks. But I have kept them with plants for nearly a year now and hadn't had any problems at all. They have a varying diet so they probably won't even bother eating from the plants. They love hiding under them and are much more confident in the crabitat since I added them as they know they have easy cover.
That should be it for my first post here and I hope I did things right and you can enjoy it!
Greetings, Time.