Crab is molting, I think?
Crab is molting, I think?
My biggest hermit crab I think is molting. He is under the sand, my sand isn't deep enough right now so I can see where he buried himself. His friends are all by him watching him. Is this normal? How fast should they start molting? I just got him and his friends 2 days ago.
Re: Crab is molting, I think?
Okay, he's not molting. I'm still not sure why he was buried though. As soon as I turned off the light they started becoming active
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Re: Crab is molting, I think?
Crabs like to dig to de-stress, to molt, or just for fun LOL. You won't know which one they are doing until they maybe stay down for a while, and even then not for sure. Be sure to add more substrate when you can - they dig and stay underground when molting because they are vulnerable to other crabs. If they can't get deep enough, another crab might come across them and harm them.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." -Will Rogers