1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?
It's the same I've used for years, the brick that I add water too but I can't think of the brand name right now. About 4 inches deep.
2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read? yes, the gauges are located in the middle of the tank about 3/4 towards the top. I keep the temperature at about 75 and the humidity at about 85. He's been happy with that for the 5 years that I've had him.
3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?
I use a heat lamp, always have, with a timer.
4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?
He's always had fresh and salt water. I use a kit made by Zoo Med, always have, never had a problem.
5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?
His basic food is Jurassic diet. Pellets and coconut chips and a little fruit mix with an occasional treat of lettuce or carrot.
6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?
I have had him for almost 5 years and do not know the species.
7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?
He has molted a few times over the years. This time he is coming out of his second molt in only a 3-month period. This time he has not finished eating his exoskeleton and he keeps putting himself on his side, with his legs slightly sticking out of his shell. I have never seen him do this before and I can tell that he's very weak. I give him peace and quiet and not too much light but he's getting worse by the day and I don't know if I can help him because I know he should be left alone for the most part.
8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?
He is in an absolutely perfect 25 gallon tank and the lid is one that I can open from the top in order to care for him.
9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?
He is alone because whenever I try to give him a friend he would basically try to maul it. I know most of them like friends but he seems to be happier on his own.
10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?
He's got three or four extra shells and have has changed them a few times over the years.
11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?
Absolutely no fumes or chemicals near the tank.
12. How often do you clean the tank and how?
The cleanings vary, when needed, every few months. I dump the whole thing and start over.
13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?
No sponges in water dish.
14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently?
Nothing new has been added. He loves his toys and his hiding places.
15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?
16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.
This mulch was only a few weeks after the last one and he's been down almost a month. It seemed like a normal molt until I peeked in and saw him on his side. I tilted him just slightly toward being right side up but two days later I find him on his side again with his legs slightly sticking out and I can see that he has not finished eating the exoskeleton and is extremely weak, totally out of character. Any way I can help without stressing him out ???!