Well I got another crab

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Well I got another crab

Post by Spocktopus » Sun Oct 29, 2023 2:27 pm

I wouldn’t call it an impulse purchase, but I just had to buy another crab today. I visited an exotics store in my city that I have never been to and they did have some crabbies, but unfortunately the tank was very inadequate. There was only one little guy in there that looked active, despite the conditions. I figured why not? Might as well give him a chance for a successful molt. I have the little crab in an iso tank, he’s drinking some salt water right now and is exploring ❤️
~ stay cool ~
pet dad to Dottie the dog + Scuttle and Tank the purple pinchers

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Re: Well I got another crab

Post by HermitCrabs8763 » Sun Nov 05, 2023 3:01 pm

Good for you!
(Current Crabs) My PP’s: Bella, Coconutty and Flamey Jr
RIP: Strawberry, Raspberry, Flamey, Lucky

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