I’m so sad, I’ve had two purple pinchers for about 2 years now, they were the best of friends, the other morning I woke up and checked on them, I instantly smelt ocean/fishy scent. My smaller one, who no matter what would never change its shell no matter how many different ones I put in for her to change into, she actually shed quite a few times to stay fitting in her shell. Well she died (she was small) my other one is HUGE, and ever since I removed her he has not moved or ate and I believe he isn’t even drinking. I’ll pick him up to make sure he moves his claws and he does, so he’s still alive. I keep fresh water and salt water in his habitat. As well as coconut shavings, almonds, pecans, oats, and dried worms and shrimp as well as a calcium block. He’s normally very active at night and he literally isn’t moving or even trying to hide. He has tons of hiding spots and high spots to climb to.
I did turn on some sounds of hermit crabs chirping on YouTube and he peeked his head out but didn’t move at all. Is he just grieving? Or molting? He has changed shells, and it’s really time for another move and I’ve put a bigger shell in, but he doesn’t care at all.
I’m so sad for him and really don’t want him to die
Any suggestions?