UTH and acyllic aquarium

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UTH and acyllic aquarium

Post by Guest » Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:02 pm

My daughter has her crabitat set up in a 5 gallon acrylic aquarium with a plastic vented lid. Her heater arrived today. It is a Zoomed mini reptitherm. I just read someone's post about where to put it. The instructions are fairly clear but it states not to be used with anything but a glass tank. However, right on the packaging it shows the UTH mounted on the side of an aquarium that is identical to my daughter's. I am planning to mount it on the side with the bottom edge along the bottom of the aquarium. This is the side that the shallower substrate is on. I won't do anything until I get some feedback from this post. I do have to do something soon, because humidity is only about 65 and temp is dropping to below 70 at night.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Post by Guest » Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:06 pm

Im not too sure about using a UTH on a plastic tank. Can you use a desk lamp for a bit until you are able to get a 10g aquarium? Just turn the light towards the tank, far away and keep checking the temp guage and moving the light every 5-10 minutes until it's at the right temp and holding there!

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Post by Guest » Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:42 pm

There are two types of UTHs. Ones made for glass and ones made for the acrylic aquariums. I wouldn't suggest using the one for glass on the acrylic aquarium because it's not meant to withstand the type of heat that is put out by a UTH.

Taken from the Zoomed site:
No Plastic Cages: Only the RH7 Mini is suitable for use on keeper type plastic cages because of it's low heat output. Always place heater on backside wall of these types of cages.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:51 pm

Way to go Brandi!
