molting ? found outta shell

This forum is where you discuss issues relating to molting hermit crabs, including pre- and post-molting issues. If you are having a molting emergency please post in the Emergency Forum.

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molting ? found outta shell

Post by Guest » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:03 pm

my lil guy victor was under the food dish when i lifted it out this morn and outta his shell...took cake method to move him to iso misted tank and covered vic with coco shellhut heat on and i hope he makes it should i just let alone and wait it out or keep checking for odors ....very nerve racking as i just lost one of my pet skinks on the 5th very first molt hope doing iso right

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Post by Guest » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:23 pm

i founfd 2 legs by hole and his lp looked jelly and he was moving it when i put him in also while waiting put food n water of both kinds in there right? totally confused and bewildered

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:14 am

I'm so sorry he's worrying you so. I'm new to this as well, but I did want to ask if you put his old shell and any shells in similar size and maybe a little bigger in with him? I know the jelly lp is just reforming to prepare for a new lp when he molts. Both types of water and I'm assuming crushed cuttle bone and honey would be correct for him. It sounds like you're doing everything you can! I will keep your little one in my thoughts. Please keep us updated on how he's doing. I can tell how much you care for him.

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Post by Guest » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:42 am

noticed smell so checked on him... :cry: he never made it ...i wish i knew lil more what to do but all i can on keeep researching and try to learn more and continur doing my best...only been being pet to them a few months now but i think i will just let them do their thing naturally on therir own in the tank ..maybe when i moved him i stressed him and it only caused prem death....there are 3 more dug in and i never bothered them and 3 more wandering on top yet.....

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Post by Guest » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:59 am

Awww, I am so very sorry. We all are going through, or have gone through the learning curve. I don't think it was anything you did at all. It was probably PPS (post purchase stress). They go through so much before we even get them, it's sad. You truly did everything you could. I'm glad you're continuing to research and learn and not giving up. I'm doing the same thing. I've read that even the most experienced lose some to PPS.

Recently, I receive some good advice concerning buried crabs. I was told that as long as your substrate is deep enough you may not need to ISO de-stressers and molters. I didn't know that in the beginning, so I currently have 2 in ISO and I'm hoping they come out okay, but from now on as long as they're healthy I'm going to let them do their thing in the main tank. It truly is a matter of personal choice and a lot of trial and error though. Good luck with your babies and I wish you all the best with them.

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thank you michel

Post by Guest » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:57 pm

thanks michel all ur response aND care was greatly appreciated... :lol: i am going forth and see how my other crabs are going to be ..i will keep ya all posted RIP to victor

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Post by Guest » Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:49 pm

You really did exactly what you were supposed to do based on the latest school of thought.

When I first started it seemed that ISOing crabs to moult was all the rage. I tried it a few times and all it seemed to do was to get them doing everything else but moult. So I went with what I was comfortable doing, and just bathe them together when I get a new one. Then right into the tank they go!

They are hardy little creatures so I truly doubt what little you did would have had any impact on hour crab's health.

So, I too am sorry for your loss.
