For a couple weeks now. There were about 6 males pursuing 2 females. Two medium females and one large, two medium and three small males. All PP's.

This female is the one who gave me some babies last year. Her name is Big Mamma.

And check this out. I think the arrow is pointing to the uh...fertilizer. I think I interrupted her. She was hanging onto it with her gill grooming claw.

And this female was being guarded last year, but went down to molt right at the wrong time. But she was up this year!

I know Gangsta is the father of Cat's, but I am unsure as to the father of Big Mamma's. Both Moose and a recent rescue crab were squabbling over her, and then Gangsta joined in after Cat, so I dunno.

Anyways! Crossing my fingers for babies! Hope they are fertilized! I'll keep this thread updated.

I added a large salt water pool (had to downsize my pools recently) since I expect both may drop their eggs very close to the same time as each other and I want to try to keep the babies alive for as long as I am in town. A bigger SW pool would keep them alive longer in case I don't notice them for a few hours.

Very happy right now.