So I thought I fight was going on on the second story, and I didn't really pay attention, but when they knocked Godzilla off and into the water dish, I knew things were serious, so I took a peek. Two of my crabs (unidentified genders) were face to face on the second story. And not just facing eachother...One crab was grabbing into the opening of the other crab, so that if the other crab tried to come out, the underside of the crab covering the opening would be in his/her face!! Hard to explain...But then they fell.
They rolled onto the hammock and that's when I started recording! the crab on top came way out of his shell and bent at a really strange angle!! Like they were passing the you know what! You'll see it the video how strangely he/she is bent. It was freaky!!
The crab has since retracted, but they remain in the hammock...a tangle of legs and claws. Not fighting, just sitting there in eachother's grasp. hehehe
BUT!! I will check both crabs for eggs later (since I am not sure of the genders) and if one does have eggs, should I send them to somebody who has the setup to raise the babies? I have no intention of even trying. I am almost out of salt as it is, and we are really tight on money.