Hi all! I’ve posted before about my three PPs fighting over a shell, so I got some Mexican Turbos and they seemed content for a while, but now all of a sudden they are fighting over a Tapestry Turbo. The crab who is trying to steal the tapestry from another crab has switched into 8 different Mexican turbos over the last few days. Originally I thought he was just trying them on, but now that he’s fighting the other crab that’s in it, it seems like he’s not happy with the Mexican Turbos. I’m in Las Vegas, is there anywhere I can get some Tapestry Turbos with approx 1” openings the same day?
One more tidbit: the one that is currently in the Tapestry just got done with a month long molt. Not sure if that matters
Also, this green (it used to be all green) shell is a favorite of all my crabs as they all were in it at one point, and the uneasy crab even tried getting back into even though it is way too small. Does anyone know what kind this is, and can I get them locally today? TIA!
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