My ulterior motive behind this thread is my intent to adopt out all my crabs within the next year. I will be beginning a PhD program next year and will no longer be able to take care of my crabs, and don’t want to leave this burden on my family. I am currently looking for a home for all eight of my crabs. This post may belong in the adoptions section but I think it may be a little too long. I am not looking for any kind of payment, and am also offering any and all of my hermit crab related equipment to any willing and well-informed person that wants to adopt my crabs.
This includes:
• 75 Gallon Top Fin Fish Tank with florescent overhead light fixture (and bulb) and glass covers
• Low Exo Terra Terrarium (used as a topper in my setup)
• 20(high) and 10 Gallon Top Fin Tanks with covers
• One overhead UVB light and fixture (left side of tank)
• Three Zoo Med Under-the-Tank Heaters (two extra-large, one medium)
• One Ultratherm (length of 75 gallon tank)
• Various heat lamps and bulbs/heat emitters
• About 100 extra shells (mostly turbos)
• All the ornaments, fake plants, water dishes, etc. you see in the pictures along with much more I don’t currently use.
• Any other random things I have like sand, food, water conditioner etc.
I’m from the eastern Pennsylvania area and am willing to travel however far I have to ensure my crabs are going to a willing and well-informed person. I also would prefer to adopt them out to the same person, but eight crabs may a little much and I may be willing to split up the adoptions depending on the situation. Please post in this thread or PM if you are interested or have any questions regarding my crabs or setup. Thank You!