Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
Oh c'mon, you are not thinking about getting a moose. Meese (plural of goose is geese, therefore plural of moose should be meese)aren't known for being the nicest critters, you know.
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
That's because I haven't got my hands on one yet. You just wait. I'll get a whole flock of meese and train em up good. Then you'll be posting pics Seven and Ten to show everyone which ones you bought.
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
I just don't think it's gonna be that easy to keep (and forget domesticating) meese. Puffers sound cool, though.
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
No problemo. I have a very gentle but strict personality that works well with training. So what if I live in a second floor two-story apartment with a downstairs neighbor that bangs on the ceiling whenever Zen practices her handstands. Our patio overlooks a cowpasture. i can just stick my flock there. The cows won't mind--they never do.
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
I love how you refer to them as flocks. I think perhaps you're thinking of another type of animal though. Do these Meese that you speak of have feathers?
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
Well it's true I haven't actually seen a live moose but people have flocks of sheep so therefore there must be flocks of meese. It rhymes.
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
A good point. One I had not considered, though I don't think the rhyming has much to do with it. Cactus=cacti Octipus=octopi (unless I'm mistaken 'bout that one) so I figured Goose=geese Moose=meese. It's the endin' that matters. English is a stupid language and needs fixin'.
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
Octopodes. Though some dictionaries mistakenlysay the plural is octopi.
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
Oh really? Huh...I don't think Moosopodes sounds right, though.
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
You are not the leading expert here on domesticated moosopodes are you? As the first and only owner of a flock of trained meese I am the one who knows. You are the one who don't know.
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
You haven't GOT the flock yet!quote: I'm thinking about getting a moose. quote:That's because I haven't got my hands on one yet. Oh, and completely off topic, but your bio sounds much like how my sister talks, only throw in a few more "likes" and "you knows" and if you're using nouns, add in some "whatchamathingys" The girl is a college freshman!
Did I ever tell you about Monkey?
Nope! I'm no purloiner of pudgy puddy tats! That "pudgy tabby" is my baby Scotty. He was born in my basement closet and he was fat even then! There were 4 in the litter and they were all little butterballs. We say that his momma must have given walrus milk. And she's just a tiny little thing, too.