How often do the crabs drink and or use their water

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How often do the crabs drink and or use their water

Post by Latoshia » Fri Mar 24, 2017 5:52 pm

Im wanting to go on vaction and am wondering how often my crabs will need their water changed out. I was going to have my sister come to change out their food etc every 3 days or so. I was going to use the food cubes....can anyone give me any tips or advice?

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Re: How often do the crabs drink and or use their water

Post by GotButterflies » Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:59 pm

It really depends on a few things. For example, I have "bubblers" (air stones) in my water bowls. Because of the bubblers, I can get away with changing my water once a week. My pools are also 1 gallon each. I think if your pools are deep enough for the crabs to fully submerge in and safely get out of and you have bubblers, once a week is fine.

As far as food, I would recommend leaving moss, leaf litter, branches, (oak/maple, cork bark), cuttle bone, coral, apple sticks, acorns, chia seeds, earthworm castings in your tank. Then, you can leave dry foods in your tank and they should be fine with once a week also. I'm not sure what food cubes are.
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Re: How often do the crabs drink and or use their water

Post by LadyJinglyJones » Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:33 pm

Dried fish jerky/skin dog snacks & dried meal worms are okay to sprinkle over the leaf litter for easy protein foraging. Timothy hay doesn't mould readily, and is a good addition to leaf litter.

Are the cube a pet store thing, or a special online crab cuisine vendor product? I'd avoid pet store foods force most part.
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