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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Hermias_mom » Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:33 am

That's a gorgeous setup! I'm not sure my 10 gallon ever looked that pretty. :)

Since you say it's a 10 gallon and you're asking for input, the substrate level looks low to me. I think the HCA recommendations are at least 6" of substrate or 3 times your largest crab, whichever is deeper. Once I got 6" of substrate in my 10 gallon, it looked about half full of substrate.

Are your water pools deep enough for your crabs to fully submerge if they want to, with a safe way to exit? I saw the pool with a ramp at the front right of the tank, and the ramp looks good, but I'm having trouble telling how big the pool is compared to the size of your crabs.

I really like your greenery and structures. If I were a crab I'd really enjoy your setup. :) Did you say you were going to make a shell shop? My crabs are obsessed with changing shells. Yours might enjoy a shell shop - it keeps shells cleaner and off the substrate, which gives the crabs more walking room and the crabs are more likely to try out and wear clean shells. Shell shops are a great addition to a second level.

Have fun! Love your pictures!
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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Sylah » Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:02 pm

Hermias_mom wrote:That's a gorgeous setup! I'm not sure my 10 gallon ever looked that pretty. :)

Since you say it's a 10 gallon and you're asking for input, the substrate level looks low to me. I think the HCA recommendations are at least 6" of substrate or 3 times your largest crab, whichever is deeper. Once I got 6" of substrate in my 10 gallon, it looked about half full of substrate.

Are your water pools deep enough for your crabs to fully submerge if they want to, with a safe way to exit? I saw the pool with a ramp at the front right of the tank, and the ramp looks good, but I'm having trouble telling how big the pool is compared to the size of your crabs.

I really like your greenery and structures. If I were a crab I'd really enjoy your setup. :) Did you say you were going to make a shell shop? My crabs are obsessed with changing shells. Yours might enjoy a shell shop - it keeps shells cleaner and off the substrate, which gives the crabs more walking room and the crabs are more likely to try out and wear clean shells. Shell shops are a great addition to a second level.

Have fun! Love your pictures!
Thanks, Hermias_mom! :) We are lucky that there are a lot of resources in our yards!

Right now I have about 3 - 4 inches of substrate in there. Ozzy is about 1" tall (maybe a little more) and the other one is a little smaller, I do have more substrate and I think I will add more in a couple of weeks. Ozzy seems to be de-stressing... I have been looking at bigger tanks, too, because I wanna put more climbing toy in there for them and the 10 gal is getting crowded already. My husband thinks I'm crazy... LOL

Thanks for the shell shop tip, that's good to know. Do crabbies less likely to go into the shells that may have substrate in them? We are making two oak boxes without lids, originally I want one for moss pit to help with humidity, I can use the other for shell shop! Yesterday I picked up some nice shells for cheap (30 shells for $5 on Craigslist, and we got to pick sizes!)

I switched out the SW pool yesterday because I was thinking it was not deep enough, it came with the kit. Right now there is a sturdy wider and deeper plastic lid in there for SW, and I added small river rocks on the sides to help them climb out. I have been wondering if it matters that both fw and sw pool is away from each other? They are currently opposite ends of the tank. The pool you see is for fw and I also have small rocks in there as that one is quite deep.

Rice was among other things on the menu for them last night and I caught one of them eating, so cute!

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Re: Hello!!!

Post by aussieJJDude » Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:20 am

The crabs don't really care much if there are a bit of sand in the shells, since the crabs often do clean them by rolling the shells around to remove debris and even 'clean' it by using their claws and legs to scoop it out. However, a clean shell in the wild often equates to a 'new shell' either from the tide or a recently adbandoned one. Regardless, it can help them decide to switch!

Pools can be together or complete opposite side, it doesnt matter. AS long as they can access them - and get out of them - they fair game, and they know which one is which.
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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Sylah » Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:09 pm

aussieJJDude wrote:The crabs don't really care much if there are a bit of sand in the shells, since the crabs often do clean them by rolling the shells around to remove debris and even 'clean' it by using their claws and legs to scoop it out. However, a clean shell in the wild often equates to a 'new shell' either from the tide or a recently adbandoned one. Regardless, it can help them decide to switch!

Pools can be together or complete opposite side, it doesnt matter. AS long as they can access them - and get out of them - they fair game, and they know which one is which.
Awesome! Thanks so much aussieJJDude!

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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Happyhermiehome » Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:33 pm

Hi! That is a lovely set up. I too am a huge fan of the natural look and try to keep my tank as natural looking as I can jus because I love the visual appeal.

Yeah the marine crab story is very sad indeed! My fam and I travel to the beach about once a year and we always catch lil crabbies, look at them for a moment or two, take some pics and them leave them be. I've always tried to stress the importance of leaving nature the way u found it and instill a great respect for animal life in my kids. I've always told them well we can't keep them because how would you feel if a giant came and ripped the roof off of your home and snatched u up and put u behind glass. Even if they had the best intentions you would not be happy taken from your home. It'd be like being abducted by aliens and taken to another planet. And they seem to understand this. Even with my land hermie pals I never want to take one straight from the beach and I did not know they were wild caught when I started. My first one was a rescue from a family member. I'm sorry I hope I'm not offending you, not my intention in anyway :) I want to be friends with everyone :) just want to pass on my experiences :)

Welcome to HCA! :crabbigsmile: I am new here too and this place has been a tremendous help to me! It's an invaluable source of information! And everyone has been so nice! :)
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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Teddscau » Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:55 pm

Happyhermiehome wrote:Hi! That is a lovely set up. I too am a huge fan of the natural look and try to keep my tank as natural looking as I can jus because I love the visual appeal.

Yeah the marine crab story is very sad indeed! My fam and I travel to the beach about once a year and we always catch lil crabbies, look at them for a moment or two, take some pics and them leave them be. I've always tried to stress the importance of leaving nature the way u found it and instill a great respect for animal life in my kids. I've always told them well we can't keep them because how would you feel if a giant came and ripped the roof off of your home and snatched u up and put u behind glass. Even if they had the best intentions you would not be happy taken from your home. It'd be like being abducted by aliens and taken to another planet. And they seem to understand this. Even with my land hermie pals I never want to take one straight from the beach and I did not know they were wild caught when I started. My first one was a rescue from a family member. I'm sorry I hope I'm not offending you, not my intention in anyway :) I want to be friends with everyone :) just want to pass on my experiences :)

Welcome to HCA! :crabbigsmile: I am new here too and this place has been a tremendous help to me! It's an invaluable source of information! And everyone has been so nice! :)
Well, the thing about the marine crabs needed to be said, and you said it respectfully. In regards to the OP, I'd imagine that being new to the whole aquatic invertebrate thing, they thought of the marine hermit crabs as nothing more than aquatic bugs. Most people assume invertebrates, fish, amphibians, and reptiles run on nothing more than instinct, are incapable of experiencing emotions, don't form social attachments, and are basically plants that can move around. Especially hermit crabs. However, science and anecdotal evidence shows that hermit crabs (and other crustaceans, along with fishes, reptiles, and amphibians) experience pain, form friendships, have personalities, are highly aware of the world around them, are curious, experience feelings such as happiness and depression, easily suffer from psychological problems, and are far more intelligent than we could ever imagine.

However, due to societal stigma and the way these animals are treated by industries and are, as a whole, not protected by law from abuse or exploitation, most assume these creatures are unthinking robots. However, this is due to speciesism and an anthropocentric view of the world. We protect mammals because we can relate to them. We don't relate to birds as well as mammals, so they don't receive the same protections, despite the fact that many species are far more intelligent and capable of suffering than dogs, even. The cold blooded animals are out of luck when it comes to legal protection. They don't use facial expressions to show emotion, nor do they use their (non-existent) ears to indicate how they're feeling. Humans take this to mean that they're unintelligent or are incapable of experiencing emotions or communicating. In reality, cold blooded animals use subtle body language, inaudible vocalisations, pheromones, changes in electric field, and colour displays outside of the visible colour spectrum to communicate. The scientific community is well aware of the widespread physical and psychological atrocities being committed against fish, lobsters, etc., but until public attitudes changes, billions of cold blooded animals will continue to suffer unimaginable abuse. Boiling a crab alive is no different from tossing a gerbil in a pot of boiling water.

What's important is that we learn all this stuff and try to spread this information, so that hopefully one day society can force governments and companies to enact widespread change. It wasn't until the mid-twentieth century that vets started using painkillers and knocking animals out before surgery. For hundreds of years, animals were seen as nothing more than automatons. The yelping of a dog was akin to the screeching of gears.

Anyways, good luck with the land crabs :)

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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Sylah » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:15 pm

Happyhermiehome wrote:Hi! That is a lovely set up. I too am a huge fan of the natural look and try to keep my tank as natural looking as I can jus because I love the visual appeal.

Yeah the marine crab story is very sad indeed! My fam and I travel to the beach about once a year and we always catch lil crabbies, look at them for a moment or two, take some pics and them leave them be. I've always tried to stress the importance of leaving nature the way u found it and instill a great respect for animal life in my kids. I've always told them well we can't keep them because how would you feel if a giant came and ripped the roof off of your home and snatched u up and put u behind glass. Even if they had the best intentions you would not be happy taken from your home. It'd be like being abducted by aliens and taken to another planet. And they seem to understand this. Even with my land hermie pals I never want to take one straight from the beach and I did not know they were wild caught when I started. My first one was a rescue from a family member. I'm sorry I hope I'm not offending you, not my intention in anyway :) I want to be friends with everyone :) just want to pass on my experiences :)

Welcome to HCA! :crabbigsmile: I am new here too and this place has been a tremendous help to me! It's an invaluable source of information! And everyone has been so nice! :)
Thanks, Happyhermiehome!

Yeah I know what you mean when you say leaving nature they way you found it. We are a huge backpacking family and we try to spend as much time out in the wild as possible. We were hoping to keep the marine crabs, hence the looking up info and went out getting equipment for them but not realizing they were actually different than keeping land crabs :/ By the time I found out it was too late to bring them back to the ocean so we gave them a nice ritual burial in the garden. My son had wanted to bring a starfish home and we knew we wouldn't be able to provide a good home so we explained the responsibility involved and said no.

I didn't realize the land crabs were caught in the wild either until after we purchase our two... So now we are not gonna get anymore unless it's from adoption.

You didn't offend me :) But I also understand that not everyone can be pleased lol

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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Happyhermiehome » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:48 pm

Yw! :)
Well I would just like to add that I do also believe (though am still sorta of conflicted by it) that saving hermits left to suffer in bad pet store conditions may be classified as a rescue. I really don't like to support the wild caught pet trade but I also don't believe they Should not suffer the consequences either. It's kinda a tuff call but don't be feel to bad about it if u decided to get more and can't find rescues in your area and end up rescuing pet store crabs :)
Last edited by Happyhermiehome on Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Sylah » Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:41 pm

Happyhermiehome wrote:Yw! :)
Well I would just like to add that I do also believe (though am still sorta of conflicted by it) that saving hermits left to suffer in bad pet store conditions may be classified as a rescue. I really don't like to support the wild caught pet trade but I also don't believe they Should suffer the consequences either. It's kinda a tuff call but don't be feel to bad about it if u decided to get more and can't find rescues in your area and end up rescuing pet store crabs :)
I totally get where you are coming from. But on the flip side is that when we purchase from pet stores they will then just get more because they think there is a "demand" :( So it IS tough to decide what to do! Today I went to Petco to get cuttlebone and saw a hermie in a basketball shell :cry: I wanted so much to bring him/her home...

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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Happyhermiehome » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:14 pm

Sylah wrote:
Happyhermiehome wrote:Yw! :)
Well I would just like to add that I do also believe (though am still sorta of conflicted by it) that saving hermits left to suffer in bad pet store conditions may be classified as a rescue. I really don't like to support the wild caught pet trade but I also don't believe they Should suffer the consequences either. It's kinda a tuff call but don't be feel to bad about it if u decided to get more and can't find rescues in your area and end up rescuing pet store crabs :)
I totally get where you are coming from. But on the flip side is that when we purchase from pet stores they will then just get more because they think there is a "demand" :( So it IS tough to decide what to do! Today I went to Petco to get cuttlebone and saw a hermie in a basketball shell :cry: I wanted so much to bring him/her home...
Yeah totally a tough call :(
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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Teddscau » Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:21 pm

Happyhermiehome wrote:
Sylah wrote:
Happyhermiehome wrote:Yw! :)
Well I would just like to add that I do also believe (though am still sorta of conflicted by it) that saving hermits left to suffer in bad pet store conditions may be classified as a rescue. I really don't like to support the wild caught pet trade but I also don't believe they Should suffer the consequences either. It's kinda a tuff call but don't be feel to bad about it if u decided to get more and can't find rescues in your area and end up rescuing pet store crabs :)
I totally get where you are coming from. But on the flip side is that when we purchase from pet stores they will then just get more because they think there is a "demand" :( So it IS tough to decide what to do! Today I went to Petco to get cuttlebone and saw a hermie in a basketball shell :cry: I wanted so much to bring him/her home...
Yeah totally a tough call :(
Well, there's always the option of following the ALF's code. You could also peek in garbage cans to see if there's any "dead" crabs.

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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Sylah » Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:22 pm

Teddscau wrote:
Happyhermiehome wrote:
Sylah wrote: I totally get where you are coming from. But on the flip side is that when we purchase from pet stores they will then just get more because they think there is a "demand" :( So it IS tough to decide what to do! Today I went to Petco to get cuttlebone and saw a hermie in a basketball shell :cry: I wanted so much to bring him/her home...
Yeah totally a tough call :(
Well, there's always the option of following the ALF's code. You could also peek in garbage cans to see if there's any "dead" crabs.
Like in the store's garbage bins?

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Re: Hello!!!

Post by LadyJinglyJones » Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:24 am

I'm late to the party, but welcome!
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Re: Hello!!!

Post by Sylah » Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:10 pm

LadyJinglyJones wrote:I'm late to the party, but welcome!
Thank you, LadyJinglyJones!!! :crabbigsmile:

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