Store-bought driftwood

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Store-bought driftwood

Post by bluecam9981 » Tue Feb 12, 2019 11:53 pm

I recently purchased a couple of hermit crabs for my daughters. While trying to gather all supplies needed I came across a bag of driftwood and a piece of cholla wood at hobby lobby. Is it safe to just put them straight into the tank or do the pieces need treatment first?

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Re: Store-bought driftwood

Post by LandFishh » Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:09 am

To sterilize wood, I soak it in marine salt water then bake it in the oven at 275° F for (at least) one hour. This gets any toxins out of it and saltwater prevents mold. Good luck with your new crabbies and welcome to the HCA. :D
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Re: Store-bought driftwood

Post by bluecam9981 » Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:18 am

Thank you for the response and tips. I live in Texas 6 hours from the coastline. I'm not even sure where to find saltwater this far away. Is there anything other than marine salt water?

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Re: Store-bought driftwood

Post by LandFishh » Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:26 am

Oh. We use marine salt called instant ocean and mix it with distilled water. It's the closest we can get to saltwater, and is probably better than collecting water from most North American beaches, as some have weird chemicals. This site will tell you all you need to know. Read the care guides!
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Re: Store-bought driftwood

Post by bluecam9981 » Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:31 am

Guess it's back to the store for me. Lol. I appreciate the info and already loving this site. Gotten so many tips and such already! Thank you for the welcome too! 😁

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Re: Store-bought driftwood

Post by LandFishh » Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:33 am

No problem. Just remember that this place will give you all the info you need. If it ever doesn't you can just ask. Its older than me! :lol:
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Re: Store-bought driftwood

Post by bluecam9981 » Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:03 am

I'm not real sure how to reply to that since I have no clue of your age. Lol 8)

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Re: Store-bought driftwood

Post by wodesorel » Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:37 am

For cleaning items, rather than waste expensive Instant Ocean, I use regular kosher salt. Super cheap by the pound, and it has no additives.

Straight salt doesn't work for drinking water for hermits because it doesn't has all the elements that ocean water has, but it isn't harmful to them.
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Re: Store-bought driftwood

Post by Overmountain1 » Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:45 am

Thank you Wodesorel! I had thought along the same lines but hadn’t had the fully formed thought re: kosher salt, and maybe never would’ve thought to ask. Good to know- anything that can save me a bit of money, I like!

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Re: Store-bought driftwood

Post by FSkerlak » Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:46 pm

Hello Wodesorel, How much of the kosher salt would you use per gallon of water for soaking the wood overnight? I have a huge piece I want to use after I find out the type of wood it is.

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