Crab not eating or bathing itself/drinking?

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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Crab not eating or bathing itself/drinking?

Post by topbunkbear » Wed May 08, 2019 10:32 am

I supply my crabbies with salt and fresh water, and because of my Ecoearth substrate I can tell if they go into the food or water dishes as they leave a little trail. I change out the food every 2-3 days and I change the water either when it's dirty or every 4 days.

I've had my hermit crabs for 2 months and 2 weeks respectively, and I haven't seen them eat or noticed any food missing...ever.
Why is this? Is it okay?


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Re: Crab not eating or bathing itself/drinking?

Post by Motörcrab » Wed May 08, 2019 11:43 am

What types of food are you feeding them? Crabs can devour certain things at one feeding then not touch it for several more. They do like a variety since they are scavengers. Depending on what you are feeding them several options of plants, veggies, animal/fish proteins, nuts/seeds and calciums may encourage them to eat more.

I generally feed mine 2-3 options of each food type above. Then change up the next feeding. I will also toss organic apple cores, and other fruits I eat for them to pick at. Those are usually well received. I also keep a journal of what I feed my guys and note what they eat and let sit. That way I know what to not order again.

Every crabs food preferences are different so it may take some samples in order to find what they like. I highly recommend foods from The Healthy Hermit on Etsy. The one moderator on here, Gotbutterflies , runs it. I believe you can get do a custom order of little sample packs to try a bunch of different foods. There are a ton of food shops on Etsy and eBay. If you click on the link in my profile it will take you to a lot of food stores.

Perhaps you are also giving the two crabs a lot more than what they can eat in a day or two. That could make it more difficult to see what they have been eating.

You can also take a picture of the food dish when you first put it in the tank. Then compare that to what it currently looks like.
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