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I dont know, I love your profile pic!! Its so pretty!! I want straws and E's so bad!! I only have PPs and they are cute but my gosh why are those alien eyes just so adorable!! I wish I would have every breed.
I love em too. Question when crabs molt do they change gender? I swear he was a girl and now he appears to be a he.RiNiKy506 wrote:Thank you.They are addicting to want all of them.
The more rare species are harder to keep and I’ve had some heartbreak losing a couple of Es and straws. They can’t take moving and temperature changes like the purple pinchers. Then again they’re all so tough yet so fragile, it’s very confusing. Your Sherbert has really gorgeous coloring pattern. I love his light color with the dark setae spots, then the patches of purple and reds he has that fades in, he is a very beautiful crabby.
zoom in and you can see those adorable eyelashes!
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Really?! That’s crazy! Would love to know more about it, had no idea!RiNiKy506 wrote:Yes they can change gender. I’m not sure if they do it when they molt or how they do it but they can. Maybe @wodesorel or @motorcrab knows if it’s when they molt, I don’t think we know how or why they do it. Just crazy amazing little creatures.
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Nope, could also have been male when it had gonopores showing. Pleopods seem to be a better way to sex them, if you can see that side of the body during a shell change, but even then their internal organs (requiring dissection) are the only guarantee of what they produce.hermitsrus1966 wrote:Gosh these guys are complicated. Lol I love them! Wait so does that mean if you spot gonospores on a crab it’s a girl forever even though it might lose them later on?
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Great picture! He's adorable