For my first crabitat I used suction cups and commando hooks to keep my decot up. The crabs were constantly tearing things down and I found this method to be unworkable. That's when I came up with this design, about 4 years ago, and I've stuck with it ever since.
The whole thing is held in place primarily by sand and the fact that all the pieces are sized so that they brace themselves against the tank. It holds itself up. There is nothing attaching it to the tank. The only exception is the long skinny front bridge. This piece is fragile, so I use fishing line to help reinforce it in the center of the tank. But it doesn't NEED it.
When I rebuilt this tat a few days ago I accidentally snapped the bridge (long skinny piece in front). That bridge fits the space perfectly and functions as a tension rod to support the 2 side "arms" that come off the back wall. Sometime within the next week I will rebuild this bridge so I will take a bunch of process pictures to show you. Keep your eye ok this thread
To create the pieces, I wrap the egg crate pieces in several layers of burlap, trying to keep it nice and tight. Then I fold the loose edges over to create a seam. I use various clips to help me keep the tension on while I do this. Then I attach by weaving zip ties through the whole thing, basically "sewing" it on.
I will say, the main down side to this method other than the amount of time it takes to set up, is that burlap does inevitably degrade in the tat environment. Since my set up is all secured by the weight of the sand and various zip ties, it's a huge job to take down and rebuild (worth it though, I think). However, if you are making a smaller, more temporary structure (I'm envisioning a big bridge made out of 3 large pieces of egg crate that sits on top of the sand) breaking down and rebuilding the structure wod be MUCH faster as simpler.
Although my tat layout has not changed since I came up with this design, I have had to move my tat several times. Here are some pics from a previous build. My current setup is basically the same, I just happen to have better pics already in my gallery. Hopefully these pics help give you an idea of how I have everything set up.