I converted my son's Betta tank into a crabitat earlier this week. We now have three Caribbean hermit crabs! I've used lots and lots of the information provided here in the forum's care sheets as well as using previous questions and answers to guide me. I think we're pretty well set up! I did use some hemp rope in the crabitat, which seems to be controversial due to the possibility if bacterial growth due to high humidity. I plan to replace it as needed if/when it starts to smell or visibly degrade, or every couple of months.
So far the major issue I've had is keeping the temperature up. It likes to hover just below 75, and I would prefer it closer to 80. I bought a UTH for a 20-30 gallon tank and applied it to the side of the tank above the substrate.
I'm thinking of adding some insulation to the aquarium hood to help hold in the heat. There is a section of the hood that has been cut away for the filter (when it was a fish tank), so right now I have that covered with cardboard. That got the temperature up from 70 to just below 75. I think a layer of material cut from an insulated grocery bag will help raise the temperature a few more degrees. The humidity in the tank has not been a problem, because my son likes spritzing the crabs when he wakes up in the morning, when he wake up from his nap, and we have made it part of the bedtime routine as well. Humidity stays between 85% and 90%, remaining pretty stable at 86% most of the day.
I was really surprised to see one of the crabs actually sleeping in the artificial fern I added! I knew they could climb, but I didn't know that meant they would climb! I plan to add some more climbing accessories when I get a chance.
I do wonder how long it will be before they eat. So far they have not touched their food. I give them access to the "kibble" from the pet store all the time, and we feed them a variety diet in the evenings, including a frozen fish mix that I thaw and add to the dish. Nothing seems to be touched in the morning, so I discard the food, wash the dish, and return it to the tank with the kibble for the day. They also have oak leaves, since I know they might want vegetation. But I haven't seen any of them nibbling anything. I also sprinkled chia seeds on the substrate because I read here that it's something they might like to munch on. Is there somewhere (like Etsy) where I can purchase a balanced crab diet to help me while I get used to providing a good, healthy diet myself?
Another concern I have is that one of the three crabs looks significantly paler than the others. It seems just as active, but the color is more washed out. I don't know if this means it will molt soon, or if it isn't healthy. They all came from the same pet store at the same time. I got the last three they had.
Here are the other two, for comparison.
Here are my questions:
1 (Most Important). What are some tips for getting the temperature up?
2 (Important). Is the crab that's lighter in color than the other two okay?
3. Is the rope okay to use in the tank long-term?
4. Is there somewhere (like Etsy) where I can purchase a balanced crab diet to help me while I get used to providing a good, healthy diet myself?