surface molter exo was stolen!

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surface molter exo was stolen!

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:47 am

I walked in yesterday morning to find 'someones' exo laying in the sand and 2 crabbys helping themselves to it! I could tell the exo didnt belong to either of those two so I went on the hunt for the molter. I found him, apparently the other crabs had chased him away from his own exo! Poor lil guy! Anyway, I took the exo and the molter and put him in ISO. I was very worried thinking he might not make it. This morning he seems to be doing ok. Hes resting now but not in the place where I left him so I know hes been walking around, some of the food in the dish has been eaten and hes changed shells. Im taking all that as a good sign. Its been a long time since I had a surface molter. I cant figure out why he didnt bury himself this time since he has all the other times... crabbys... go figure!

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Post by annopia » Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:54 am

awww, poor crabbie! i would put a shrimp tail in there for him, as it has a lot of nutrients that the exo has in it. also some honey and cuttlebone. its good that he's up and around!

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:59 am

I have cuttle bone and shrimp in there. The shrimp was moved about so Im sure he ate some of that and hes currently sleeping on a piece of cuttle bone lol I didnt think about honey, I'll put some in, thanks for the tip! :D

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Post by annopia » Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:28 am

you're very welcome. honey is very good for energy. keep us updated!

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