Has anyone tried this site?

For topics on hermit crab related stores, and member reviews of them. Also for asking where to find an item. Retailers, please read the sticky regarding our rules before posting!
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Post by hazel_eyes89 » Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:39 pm

That's cool, I live right next to the river myself although I think I've only been over that way like three or four times in my life. :lol:

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Post by hazel_eyes89 » Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:01 pm

I finally got around to ordering the shells today. There were so many I just couldn't decide. :D I ended up getting about 30-35 shells for $21! That was before shipping though. Anyway I'll post when I get em!

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Post by Guest » Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:25 pm

Nice find! I've always ordered from the Hermit Crab Patch (aka Crabbage Patch) which was a great store and the best price I could find but Deltona looks even cheaper. I added the Deltona link to my cheap hermit crab accessories page, now I need to scan the HCA forums for more tips to add there!

I have found jumbo banded jade turbo shells at Michael's craft store for $10 with 2 inch openings and up. If you use their monthly printable 40% off one item coupons (just Google Michaels coupon) it's only $6 plus tax! Waiting for my largest PP crab to get big enough to try one out, he's a size too small now :)

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Post by Chompman » Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:20 pm

Thanks for this link all.

I have been looking for another site other then Naples and Crabbage Patch just to compare with them since I have used them and will have to try this site out one of these days.

My recent trip to Florida and getting 4 new shells there along with what I had at the time will be enough for awhile but eventually I will get the urge to get some more. :D

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:09 pm

I'm glad that you guys are having success with the site.


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Disgruntled Crab
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Post by Disgruntled Crab » Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:02 am

When it says 1.50 TO 2 INCHES on that site does that mean opening or size of the shell?

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Post by JeriC » Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:37 am

size of shell

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Post by JeriC » Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:26 am

Well, I got my 2nd order in last week & once again I am very please with the quality/quantity/price of it. I got 8 med/large turbos (jade & banded) that are all beautiful. Then I also go a large pearl jade turbo that has a 1 1/2" opening, very pretty, but upon inspection I noticed a small hole up on the curly part. I contacted Richard at Deltona & asked what my options were & he told me he would send a new one out & apologized for over looking the hole.
I am very pleased with Deltona Shells and recommend it to all. My whole order, 9 shells + shipping, was $19.45

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Post by hazel_eyes89 » Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:33 pm

I finally got my order! I got all of them boiled and put some of them in with the crabs. I am so happy with my order. All of them came w/o any holes, cracks or jagged edges. Two of my crabs have already switched to the new ones but I'll post pics of them later. :D I am soo happy with this order I think I'm gonna order again soon!

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Post by JeriC » Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:17 pm

I received my replacement pearl jade turbo today!! My large was already checking it out. I am so happy with the customer service I got during this mishap. Richard was great about it, no questions asked!!

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Post by Guest » Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:37 pm

I am super new to to having hermit crabs and I was looking at this site to get some new shells for them. Could some one tell me how I figure out the opening of the shells on this site when they are only giving the size of the shell? Right now my son has 2 crabs, one is in a 1 1/2 opening shell and I think he is too big for it. The other one is in a 3/4 opening shell which I think seems to fit just right.

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Post by NotaMallard » Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:01 pm

I just ordered $10 worth of shells. I can't wait for them to get here, they look so pretty! All I've had were cheap ones from craft stores or grubby shells the hermies were purchased in, so it'll be great to have some beautiful polished ones.
I decided not to get any ones for my jumbo, and instead order just 1-2 inch ones. I can get murexes for the bigger boys from the craft store cheaper.
I've got a zoo in my house. I should charge admission.
