C. Compressus

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.

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C. Compressus

Post by Guest » Wed May 05, 2010 4:03 am

I was clicking on the links to the right trying to learn about the difference in species. Well is it really true that E's tend to aggressive or territorial towards their own species? I kinda wanted to get some. But would it be better to only get one of this species? (with others of course)

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Post by wodesorel » Wed May 05, 2010 10:50 am

I've got 7 tiny Es all together in their own species tank. I don't find that they fight at all! Instead, they all group together and just stare out into space like a bunch of Children of the Corn. They're kinda skittish towards us humans (they ignore the cats completely), and they are FAST, but they are so totally cute! They are definitely one species I think who needs to have a good colony around them. They all pile together in the moss pit, and even in the tunnels they dug. When they get scared, like when I'm cleaning the tank, they all huddle together.

The only problem with Es that I had was when they shared a tank with the PPs. When two of the Es went to molt in the main tank (second molts each, by the way), they got eaten by the PPs. Since I've separated them by species, there hasn't been any issues! The Es have been molting fine in their own tank, and the tiny PPs who molt in the PP tank are undisturbed as well.

Also, I found that the behavior when the two species was mixed was much different than when they're kept separate. Together, the PPs would hide in the second story shell shop all day and never venture down to the ground. The Es were spending almost all their time underground. When they would meet up at the food dish, the PPs would shove the Es out and claim the space as their own.

Now that they're in their own tanks, both species are at all levels, and out and about more. They aren't always flicking their antennae around and just seem to be much calmer. Dinner time is more enjoyable as well since now they sit and eat at the dish.

These are just my observations though! I know a lot of people have had luck keeping all the different species together. But I do think people should know that sometimes there are problems, and to always be watchful when when adding a new species. After all, Es and PPs have never co-existed in the wild, so one can never know how every crab will react!
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Post by suebee » Wed May 05, 2010 12:01 pm

My compressus ( i hate to call them Es because most of them are not from Ecuador that we get here in the US) are in with 5 of my other species. All live together very well. The only problem i ever had with compressus is when i was using to much EE in my substrate ratio. They are out in the day more then most of the crabs and seem to get along very well with the others. They will run sideways so very cute. My smallest hangs out with a large straw berry crab most of the time on the back of the straw. They love and i feel need the mineral blend from the hermit crab patch http://www.hermitcrabpatch.com/Pet-Land ... -s/127.htm worm castings and crushed oyster shell are also favorites for them. Coco nut is a biggie. They seem to enjoy the salt pool much more then the fresh. They love the crunch of purple seaweed and any freeze dried foods but they all get fresh as well. I think Compressus is a great choice for a first exotic crab. They also like shells with a D shape or oval shape opening. Some of mine are in turbos as well. The larger ones seem to really like the Mexican turbos due to the light weight of the shell. One thing is that they like shells with the inside spiral out but that is not safe because when the inside breaks out it can leave points or sharp pieces back further then you can reach or feel. This can cause injury to the crabs. So check your turbos for safety of all your crabs and get some Compressus! They are some of the smartest of the species. I take out the food in the am and every day at about 6pm my crabs all wait on top of the cork bark board waiting for me put out food and treats. Its amazing how the right foods will bring them out.
I buy from ELHC or HCP, I CANNOT RECEIVE PM MESSAGES SO EMAIL ME,anytime! suebeebuzz@me.com visit my Hermit Crab Dollar Store. Crabbing from aprox 1974- I own 12 Species,On Face Book-Susan Staff's Coenobita Research of New Jersey

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Post by sugarselections » Wed May 05, 2010 12:56 pm

In general, I wouldn't say Ecuadorians as a species are much more aggressive and territorial than any other species. They do seem to panic more easily when put into stressful situations (deep cleans, introducing new crabs to their crabitat, etc.).

I do have one Ecuadorian who is just plain mean, but I attribute that more to his individual personality than his species. I got Francisco as a micro and he's quadrupled in size since then. He's only a small now but he's often trying to provoke confrontations with the other crabs. Luckily, they all just ignore him or flick him out the the way.

Before you buy Ecuadorians you could always do a personality check before deciding which ones to purchase. Look for crabs who remain calm and don't try to aggressively pinch you while being held.

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Post by Guest » Wed May 05, 2010 2:42 pm

The E's I love them... hehe I think it is because of my first one that I still have the Iron E Natasha... I say that because of the crazy situations she has survived... Mine are in with the PP's but the PP's seem to hate it so I will be changing that with my upcoming tank project. Natasha does not seem to mind them, she climbs on them and is rude... but not aggressive she just has her plan and is going to do that no matter what. She seems to watch TV... I know that sounds crazy but well we catch her doing that children of the corn thing right at the TV, I think it must be the activity and color. Hubby got a funny video of it... here is the link.

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Post by tlivs » Wed May 05, 2010 2:51 pm

haha every time i saw her antennae moving i felt like she was laughing
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Post by CallaLily » Wed May 05, 2010 5:26 pm

I haven't noticed any aggression between my 5 E's. I keep them in the same tank with my PPs with no apparent problems. In fact, I find E's sleeping/eating/climbing with PPs. E's are my favorite species so far but they do seem to be a bit more shy (with humans) than PPs.

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Post by wodesorel » Wed May 05, 2010 9:15 pm

sugarselections wrote: Look for crabs who remain calm and don't try to aggressively pinch you while being held.
There are actually Es who won't?! All of mine chew on me whenever I pick them up! They're so tiny, it's more cute than painful. The last three I got where actually the ones that decided to take a pinch at me while in the store. :)
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Post by amycolette » Wed May 05, 2010 10:18 pm

My 6 Es live together with my 10 PPs, and everyone seems to get along just fine. The Es run around day and night, the PPs usually come out more in the evenings, but I have not noticed any aggression within species or between the two different species.
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Post by kgbenson » Thu May 06, 2010 8:01 am

wodesorel wrote: There are actually Es who won't?! All of mine chew on me whenever I pick them up! They're so tiny, it's more cute than painful. The last three I got where actually the ones that decided to take a pinch at me while in the store. :)
Maybe you just taste good. Be careful, some night they might attack.


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Post by Guest » Thu May 06, 2010 1:52 pm

Gotta watch those E's they are constantly plotting escape of revolt LOL

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Post by Guest » Thu May 06, 2010 3:48 pm

I want E's so badly. Those big eyes and little bodies are calling to me.

Have to finish the new crabitat first as well as find somewhere that sells them.

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Post by Guest » Fri May 07, 2010 2:38 am

Thanks everyone for all the great info! Wow it seems like E's really have a lot of personality. I will have to be careful not to get any that pinch me in the store. That video is soo cute! So is the fact that they huddle together. Now I really must have them!

I think I will start with PP's, get them settled in, before adding E's. I am also thinking about eventually adding Strawberries too. Once I get my PP's & E's settled in and I can maintain an 80 degree, 80% ratio. Hopefully there will not be any problems so I can get them all.

I am thinking about getting 2 of each species, so 6 total in my 20 gal. And I think that will be plenty. This way I can experience some of the different species. I hope it will go well.

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Post by suebee » Fri May 07, 2010 7:39 am

That sounds like a great plan! Best of luck with all of them. Im excited for you, new crabs are always so much fun.
I buy from ELHC or HCP, I CANNOT RECEIVE PM MESSAGES SO EMAIL ME,anytime! suebeebuzz@me.com visit my Hermit Crab Dollar Store. Crabbing from aprox 1974- I own 12 Species,On Face Book-Susan Staff's Coenobita Research of New Jersey

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Post by Guest » Fri May 07, 2010 5:12 pm

Thanks so much! I am very excited about them!
