So, what do you get when you combine an experienced and highly successful reefer (Coral Reefs) with a love for hermit crabs?
Check the photobucket for more! ... 20paradise
This is a 90 gallon biotope dedicated to land hermit crabs. It features a fully cycled freshwater aquarium as well as a fully cycled and established saltwater aquarium. Using my expertise in the reef hobby, I have been thus far successful in maintaining the saltwater to be the exact chemistry of natural seawater, down to the exact ppm of nitrate, phosphate, and even iodine in it’s less toxic form, iodide *as all marine inverts require this, I assume so do land inverts!!* Not only that, but the salinity, dKH, and even PH are as equal to natural sea water!
Supported life: (Note: All life is carefully chosen for their ability to survive in both fresh and saltwater. Everything, and I do mean everything listed below, with the exception of fish, of course, do in fact venture into both fresh and saltwater regularly)
30Ish Coenobita clypeatus
2-4 Coenobita compressus
2 Coenobita perlatus (That I’ve had for nearly 4 years!)
2 Golden Claw Fiddler crabs
3 Red Clawed “Tree/Fiddler” Crabs (One has been with me for nearly two years)
2 Asian MudSkippers (Amazing creatures, fish that walk on land!)
1 Saltwater Damselfish
1 Saltwater Zebra Nerite snail
1 Saltwater Redbanded Trochus snail
School of local, wildcaught cardinal fish
2 Freshwater Nerite snails
10Ish misc. wild saltwater hermitcrabs (A few of the exotic ones were purchased from a local fish store and one was even transferred out of my reef tank)
3 saltwater ghost shrimp
1 saltwater sand goby
2 freshwater tiger barbs (haven’t started stocking the freshwater side with cool things yet!)
I will, when I can manage to take a reasonable picture, update the photobucket with pictures of the various fiddler crabs and mudskippers.
Questions, comments, criticism? (Please!)