Lost all limbs UPDATE**5/05/14

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by Guest » Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:37 am

I've been checking here every single day and silently cheering the little guy on. I really hope he makes it, but either way you have been amazing and patient with him. Be proud of yourself.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by curlysister » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:12 am

Wow! I think you are my hermit crab hero! You have obviously put in a lot of time and effort for Boo. I will send positive, healing energy his way!
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by Ladysun1969 » Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:13 am

Best wishes for Boo!

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by Nia » Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:19 pm

Lol rubbing honey on himself. Never heard of them doing that. All I can think of is he is trying to make his exo more tasty to eat after the molt lol. So glad that he is still doing good. Can't wait for an update on Boo :). Best wishes to you both. :cheer: 'ing the lil guy on over here :).
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by Raven's Mum » Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:12 pm

How is he going? Are there any updates?

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by crabbienewb » Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:34 pm

He is still alive and still hasn't molted, but yesterday he woudlnt' even come out to drink. I wish he would molt, I still only saw 1 gel bud, his lp, feels like forever now which is worrying me.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by CrabbyMom33 » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:26 pm

Not coming out to drink could very well be a pre molt sign. Has he been eating and drinking well up to this point? I just checked your initial post and it looks like it's been a bit over 2 months since the initial damage. That seems a bit longer than I'd expect him to molt, but only a little bit more given the level of damage. They know how much they need to stock up their reserves before trying to molt. If you have been caring for him daily you are the best one to know when he's ready to be left alone to molt. If he continues to refuse food and drink you may want to put him in a false cave - basically scoop out a hole in the substrate, place him in it, then cover that with something like a cocohut and cover the hole. Then I'd leave him for a week before checking.
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by crabbienewb » Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:29 am

He hasn't been drinking as much as before, but he's drinking, he is still eating a lot, and is currently eating now. I got a good look with a flashlight, he's so small it's hard to see in his shell what's going on. He has 2 gel limbs, his lp and a walking leg on the same side and it looks like the other walking leg is starting to grow in. But the other side it's just like gel caps, it doesn't look like any growth to me at all. I really hope he doesn't molt back just 2 legs or something.

I did leave him for 10 days back when I had last said i was going to cover him, but when I uncovered he hadn't molted and ate right away and I felt bad.

The two gel limbs he has look large enough to be ready to molt, and the walking leg one is newer growth, so maybe he's growing them now and ill see a boost over the next little while, im not sure, and i hoenstly don't know if maybe those limbs he didn't have when he got here, he may have lost them first. also i don't know but i am leaning towards his attack being while he was molting, at least, that would make me feel a bit better about how long he is taking. He probably had nothing stored up, he came here from that shipment the petstore got, and they were all messed up and then he got attacked a few days later. I hope im not missing something in his diet.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by tk421 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:23 am

How fascinating that a crabbie without any legs can still crawl away a few inches from his shell, and still happily munches on food! (Great video of him chowing down BTW!)

As a newbie crab owner, I find it so awesome that you can recognise when he's popped out of his shell to check out what kinds of food you're offering him and what-not. And generally as well, very impressed with how patient you are and how eager you are to help him out! Goon on you, and good luck with it! :)

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by CrabbyMom33 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:26 pm

I'd say keep offering food and water. You will know when it's time. I really wondered, just like you, how to know when was the time to cover them and leave them alone. I chose to error on the side of waiting longer to be sure mine had food and water as long up to the molt as possible. Trust me, if you are interacting with this crab daily you will see the signs. I honestly thought mine was ready to die because he couldn't even lift his head. Turns out that he was that close to molting and I then put him under the hut and covered the hole.
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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by crabbienewb » Sun May 04, 2014 10:33 pm

He's still eating and drinking. It seems verymuch like he's going to molt back just 2 limbs, the gel limbs are huge and he only has 2. I'm hoping that isn't the case and when it's time i put him down he just takes a wihle and gets the other limbs too. Still seems strong. Has anyone had a crab only grow back some of the limbs like this? or gel limbs coming in a different times? I can proabbly get a picture, actually maybe i should take a picture just so i can compare it to other pictures i have of him to see if there is any growth on those other gel caps. With the size of his one limb i can't see him being more than a few days away from a molt.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**3/08/14 *BAD NEWS PLEASE HELP*

Post by crabbienewb » Mon May 05, 2014 1:29 am

ugh, well i checked on him tonight and he looks dead. he ate this morning. i don't know. i hope he's molting. hes inside the shell so he definitely could be molting, and it would be really hard for me to tell anything since he has no limbs. he did not fall out of his shell though. I've dug a hole in the sand and set him in it and covered him. He's not sticking out at all he's way way back in the shell, but there was no movement of his feelers and i couldn't even really make out what i was looking at. But i also know how big his gel limbs were so he definitely could be molting.

please wish him luck that this is a molt and it goes smooth.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**5/05/14

Post by CallaLily » Mon May 05, 2014 7:01 am

Hope he's molting and pulls through. Good luck!

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**5/05/14

Post by crabbienewb » Mon May 05, 2014 5:55 pm

He is molting, I peaked through the little crack opening between the shell infront of the hut and his exo is out now, and it's definitely exo. Now I'm worried, he had only 2 gel limbs and i know that 100%, since he shed his exo does that mean only 2 could possibly be grown back from this molt?

I hope he makes it. Even if it's just with 2 limbss.

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Re: Lost all limbs UPDATE**5/05/14

Post by fraksocks » Mon May 05, 2014 6:16 pm

I had an adoptee regrow his missing BP without ever having a gel limb. I don't know if your crab will only regrow some of his missing limbs this time around but I do know that they don't always grow gel limbs before regenerating their missing limbs.

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