I must be doing something right! :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:49 am

Lol hey I guess it could be worse, your daughter could be a super picky eater ad only one to eat a couple things and not get the nutrients she needs. I have an eight year old cousin like that and his main diet is hot dogs, Mac and cheese, and what ever else junk food they feed him. Kid has no fat on him and probably no nutrients either. I'm not too worried about my step kids, they will get tall and shed their baby weight. I feel because I feel like I don't pay as much attention to my smaller crabs but they don't do much or eat much. You know I'm really kida confused with crabs. They say crabs love to climb, which they do, but only some of them. Some of my crabs you will never see climbing high or at all, like you said with Hearts. Also only my smaller crabs like to dig and bury for the heck of it. My bigger crabs you will never see burrowing. My bigger crabs are out more too. Even when I had them all in the same tank, it was still this way. It's a head scratcher for me lol Dragon and Smog are doing really good. Impairing for Dragon to go down and molt, he looks like he hasn't had one in awhile, and Smog still has his little nails so I believe he has recently. They love to cuddle way up high on a top branch together. They were picking on each other and that has finally stopped. Did I tell you about the crab karma? Hurby and B.j picked on Dragon when I first got him and then a week or so later Dragon kicked both of their butts? Lol it was funny. Now they're all buddies. Rocky is happy and is climbing around more, he's one that you will never find climbing on a branch so I put him at the top of one one day and I think he was scared and unstable at first and the. He just sat on the top of it for a long time and the next morning he was off. Hopefully he climbed down and didn't fall. I held him a couple days ago and he was such a love bug. My kids didn't believe me that he was snuggling with me and loved me so to prove my point I put my hand on the floor and have him the option to climb walk out of my hand and he didn't, he just sat there :) <3 he's my little...well big baby. He also gives me very gentle pinches with his small claw. Are these really love pinches? When B.j does it it's not very gentle lol People think I'm crazy but I am in love with Rocky, he's such a good boy, and I love him even more after he survived his traumatic molt and shell loss and found lol I was so proud of my step son, he was holding Smog and letting him walk all over him. They get nervous to handle them. I don't blame them, after I get pinched I get a little nervous too lol

I'm glad to hear that Hearts is doing good :) Oh yeah I forgot about that possibility. Poor girl. Hopefully she will get it back soon. I haven't dealt with any injuries yet, I would probably have a heart attack if I did! Lol. Yeah I hear ya on the mother situation. I love my parents but oh my they drive me insane! And they wonder why they hardly ever see me. They seem to think that they can keep telling me what I should do about stuff in my life and after three years of it I'm finally saying no, just leave me alone! Ugh. They love you but they will somehow love you to death lol you should celebrate! :) I could never live close to my parents. I live twenty minutes away and that's too close for me. I used to have a bad relationship with my sister as well but sadly it's gotten better after my dog was put down and out of the situation. She thought it was crap that my parents had to take care of my dog and put up with her and that I should rehome her. I tried rehoming her, I did a whole days worth of driving to place her in this new home, and the dog had a mental break down when I left and the peor had to call me to come get her. You can't just erase ten years from a dogs mind, that dog loved me to death and I was her whole world and her one sole master. I'm surprised she didn't get more upset when I got her, now that I think of it. I got her when she was four and when we picked her up she was perfectly fine with it and got attached to us pretty quickly. Maybe she wasn't as close to them? Who knows. Anyway, sorry for the rant. So yes, my sister has had her strong opinions about everything I do and after my dog was out of the picture she suddenly turned things around and was all nice to me. I mean come on, this dog was 13 pounds, didn't make a noise, I paid for her vet bills, bathed her, and helped out with dog food when my parents couldn't get it. They already had a dog so it's not like it was inconvenient for them to go out and buy it. Ugh. They say don't dwell on the last but sometimes it's hard not to lol

I hope things are getting better for you :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:39 pm

Sorry it took a bit for my reply things got a lil crazy for a bit but now my mother is back out of the picture things are good atm, lol even tho sinus infections SUCK -.-. Yea well my mother has become a toxic one not really a helpful or opinionated kind but a toxic one where things go down hill fast if she is around type and her bf and his family are nothing but bad news and make things worse ><. Will be so glad to get away and be better for the kids. My son acts up so bad when she is around its unreal. I'm not having her in n out of his life at her leisure and hurt them, which is what she is doing now n has for the past 2 years. My lil girl doesn't really even know her to the point when she came around she cried when she picked her up. First time I have ever seen her do this. My cousin that she met for the first time picked her up without a peep and she was laughing. So she knows trouble when she see's it too lol. I can't blame her she has seen her a total of maybe 5 times and she is only a few minutes away, no excuse why she don't. It will hit once we are gone how bad her life choices are but I can't help that. They were her choices and she made them. Sorry if that sounds mean but if you knew everything you'd be like wow yea not a chance does she deserve even a good thought anymore ><. Not to mention if she really cared about us esp her grandkids she wouldn't chose ppl that would put us all in danger over us at all. If someone threatened my kids I would never speak to them again nor would I ever go anywhere with them. Oh well can't save everybody and esp not her she is beyond so way beyond repair, like 10 galaxies away beyond repair lol.
Anyway on to GREAT news:
Well she hasn't molted yet but man is she active lol. She spends most of the day buried but is crazy when she is out lol. She is all happy to have a buddy in there with her atm lol. Herc is having his FIRST MOLT! Uh I am so happy lol :). Not to happy where he chose to molt but eh it is his first molt and with the changes to the tat n having to add the ISO and remove his gf he wasn't very happy. He was only half buried, this isn't unusual for him cause this is how he sleeps. For some reason he doesn't like going all the way under. I picked him up to move him out of the way so I could clean their pools and fill their bowl yet again lol and found him hanging out of the shell almost half way. I panicked and my heart sank n then he moved. When I looked closer I saw a sac and a cracked leg an shiny pink under it n I was freaking a bit lol. I said oh I am so sorry Herc I didn't know n I quickly made a whole in the ISO pen and stuck him in it covered him a lil and put moss over him. Hearts was so happy to see him that she perched next to him n dug down right next to him lol. I think they are a huge pair cause Reese n Bat Girl are now hanging together more n more n he is always on her back lol. I gave him Hearts shell so he'd leave her alone in the future lol. I am buying more of those anyway so I am sure that once she is strong enough she will move into one happily. She is really happy in the lil tapestry that she is in atm and without her big pincher she fits in it really well. Omgosh am so happy for Herc and I so hope everything goes great for him! Like I said this is his first molt with me so I am so happy. Glad he got it out of the way now. Less stress on them during the move. My Grandmom is doing good atm so once she comes up and we can have my aunts funeral we are heading for the hills as fast as we can lol. :crabbigsmile:
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:00 pm

Lol good I'm glad Herc is molting :) I get so excited about it too because you know they are growing and are healthy and are going to be much happier. I'm waiting to see if Dragon will molt soon but he may have a while before he does. Good luck to Herc! I'm glad Hearts is doing good and she is with her love :) also very glad your Grandmom is doing better :) Yeah I know how you felt when you lifted up Herc and found him like that, exactly how I felt when I found Rocky :/ what an awful feeling! I still need to order more shells lol let me know how Herc makes out.

I can absolutely relate to what you are going through with your mother but it's not so close to home with me. I am sorry to hear that but it is truly her loss. You and your kids will grow stronger from it and she will learn someday hopefully that her immediate family is more important than some boyfriend. My brother in laws mother sounds like your mom. Not sure if this pertain to your mom so please don't think that I am saying this about your mom, but his mom was a drug addict and alcoholic for many years and all throughout her children's life and she always chose drugs, alcohol, and boyfriends over the safety and well being of her children. She let her boyfriend treat them like crap with cruel pumishments and everything else and now years later it's like he expects them to just forgive and forget. Well anyway now he has his son, my nephew, and this boy is going to be 6 years old on the 24th. He lives maybe an hour or so away from him and never bothers to call him and only sees him once or twice a year if he's lucky. I don't even think he is going to see her his year for his birthday. Sadly he has seen her so little in his life that he will not talk to her and when her name is mentioned he doesn't even know who she is. My sister has come to the point where she says screw it, you don't want to see your grandson than that is your problem. Aidan has had his behavioral issues, he was diagnosed with ADD and was finally put in medication so he is much better now, but he used to kind of treat him like he was an animal. It's sad. So yeah, long story short, there's a lot of my family that doesn't see him and he will never know who they are and that's their problem for not taking out the time to interact and love their family. It's the same with your children I'm sure and it's sad but you just have to move on with life and leave them behind. I hope things get better for you! And yes, babies can sense bad things by the way :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:56 am

Herc is doing Wonderful ^.^ eeee I am so happy lol. He is a lil mad at me cuz he huffed at me lol I called him Pinky :P. He kicked off all the dirt I put around him....he really does hate to be underground for any reason at all. He has never burrowed, not once since I have had him. Idk if its preference or just an odd hermit lol. He even moved the moss out of the way ><. I'm like look bud I am trying to help keep you moist here but he wasn't having it lol. Idk he is an odd ball lol. Everyone else goes under to molt or sleep but him. Can they be so comfortable in their tat that they don't care to retreat to feel safe? I don't really know but he rarely jumps n it is usually when the hubby walks past lol but if I was that small n someone that big went past me I prob would to lol. I mean he is 6'4" and built lol prob looks like the scariest thing in the world to a palm size hermit lol. Hearts was kissin on him the other night n now has buried and I haven't seen her since. She was doing great tho before she did lol. She buries under him n snuggles where she won't hurt him. Its cute to see how gentle she is with him atm. She even pushed the dishes closer to him, it was so cute lol. Poor thing has one messed up leg on the one side and busies herself caring for him :). Reese n Bat Girl are hanging a lot together now. Reese is happy that he finally got his shell, I figure maybe he will let Hearts alone now and I have my eye on an auction for 20 shells that have banded turbos in there like hers. It will be awhile tho before she is strong enough to carry one though so I have time. So happy they are both happy and doing great though :cheer:.
As for my mother, it is def her loss. That I know of no drugs are involved but who knows with that messed up crew she is with now. After all the bs she fed us about being done with them and all that crap she ran back to him in less than 24hrs n is back staying every night with them and has already broken 3 promises to my son. Im not having her in n out of his life cause I am the one stuck with the out rages. He doesn't have ADD but has PTSD which is hard *sigh* and it all stems to my mothers bs which is really hard on me. I protected him the best that I could but it still feels like your the one who failed them. Sad part is there wasn't much I could do about it either. I literally put myself in so much harms way protecting him that I am surprised that I am still here. I figured though that once it was all over with and the problem was removed that things would get better...never did I think that she would go and make it worse with a new bf. Let alone abandon everyone n everything she supposedly loved. See her addiction is men...she can not be single even for 24hours, its so sad really. All she cried about when they broke up was "I don't have a man", srsly who cares ><. Even when hesitant and keeping a distance I had hoped her grandkids at least meant more to her than a man but nope. I am biting my lip best I can n often til its almost bleeding just counting the days til we can just remove ourselves from this H hole -.-. Its sad that a mother can't let herself be close to their kid and grandkids over a man. I don't feel sorry for her either cause these ppl have no problem threatening us for her making them mad and we don't even associate with them at all. That they would hurt us cause of her and her going back to ppl like that even though they threaten children is just the straw that breaks the back. I can't tell you how furious that makes me but Karma will catch up and her butt will end up on the hot seat one day same with all of them. It is just to a point where I don't know what to do about her at all. My son wants to be close to her too cause for the 1st 2years of his life she was there everyday and since her bf came around the last 2 years she has been gone not a call, not a visit unless required, nothing. She promises him stuff and never gets it n its breaking him like it did me when I was lil n she makes me the bad guy saying its my fault she never spends time with him. Ugh it just makes me so mad cuz it is what she did to me when all I ever wanted was a mom. Lol most days I wanna slap sense into her but I know there is no sense there anymore. This woman she is now is no one I know and no one I want to know. She has lost her marbles.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:56 am

That is so sad, I'm sorry to hear that :( and it's not like he's old enough so that you can sit him down and explain to him what's going on with her and that she will never keep her promises and that he should just move on. Poor kid :( Yep you're right, one day her butt will be in the hot seat and there will be no one around to help her. She seems like she has issues that stem deeper then just having to have a man, you know? It sounds like you're doing the right thing by moving away and separating yourself from the whole situation and over time hopefully he will realize that she is not who he thought she was. My boyfriend has a friend that just got divorced and he has a 6 year old daughter whom he barely ever sees. He has her every weekend but he chooses to work all day long instead of spending time with her and he pawns her off on their friends to watch her the whole time he is supposed to have her. Now the friend doesn't mind watching her because their girls are best friends, but this little girl wants to be with her dad and they are getting tired of him making excuses and just constantly dropping her off with them. He tells his daughter that he will come see her or pick her up later or call her later and surprise surprise he never does and this poor girl goes into hysterics and cries and throws tantrums because all she wants is to see her dad or even just talk to him. Now she doesn't even want to be dropped off with his friends and she goes into hysterics because she knows that he will not keep his word. She is starting to realize that he is not going to do what he says and it is just so incredibly sad. He even had a week off and had her for the whole week and saw her all of maybe one day because he claimed he had to work and I think he even had her picked up early from her mother because he had to "work". You know what, don't even have a child if you're going to treat them worse than dog poo on the bottom of your shoe. I don't care if it has I do with child support, your ex wife, whatever the reason, you do not treat your child like that. I hear stories like that and then I look at my boyfriend and I go wow, you are a great father and I respect you do much. It really saddens me but hopefully kids will grow from it and it won't hurt them too badly in the long run. Even if your mom did want to visit your son I would say sorry, for the well being of my son I think it's best you keep your distance until you have officially changed your ways. I know it's much easier said than done.

Good I'm glad Herc is doing good :) lol Pinky, they're so icky looking when they don't have an exo. All of my PP's bury but I have not once seen my E's try to bury themselves. They dig holes and sit in them, but that's about it. Yeah maybe it is because he feels safe enough in his home. Maybe he's claustrophobic :) I didn't know you were supposed to keep them moist, still surprised that Rocky pulled through his molt. But I believe he was getting towards the end of his molt when I found him, he was pink but he was hard. I just tried keeping him out of the direct sunlight and heat. Still so much I gotta learn about these crabs lol That's so cute that Hearts was taking care of him! Oh and I also found out that Rocky is a girl :/ oh well lol I wish mine would pair up. Smog and Dragon really like each other but that's probably just because they are both E's. None of them really seem to take a shine to another and now that Rocky and McKenna are in seperate tanks I don't see much one on one snuggling going on, just the usual cramming together in one cave thing lol I attempted to make a crab hammock but they all hated it and would not go up on the branches until I took it down. So much for my little inventions. No more fights but they're all being pretty boring right now lol I'll wait for another weekend to come and my step kids will want them all out on the living room floor to watch them run around and climb all over each other. McKenna always licks out because she buries herself and I can never find her. I did lose her in my couch cushions the other night lol she just climbed right in between and I was like oh god, where'd he go???
So you have Herc, Reese, Hearts, and Bat Gitl. Do you just have those four?
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:44 am

Sorry that it has been awhile since I've been on. Had 2 more deaths in the family esh plus the holidays and making presents lol been busy. Boy isn't sleeping much so I have been a regular zombie around here lol. Yea I still have those 4 out n about lol. We just were talking about find Hearts a tiny for a buddy cause she has been looking lonely. Herc is going nuts without her to -.-. He is always on top or next to her ISO tank. Oh great news to, She now has her big pincher back eeee I am so happy but wow that was fast. Idk I figured it would take a lot long for her to grow it back like that one poor hermit that lost every limb or even a lizard. It takes forever to come back but not her, she zoomed it back in a hurry lol. She shed that broken up leg to and the new one is perfect! She looks great! Here are some pics of her:
Her Gel claw. Lol she is dirty here cause she was in the pool so everything stuck to us when I took her out.
A good view of her new claw.
Hanging view lol.
The perfect pic lol. Her showing it off, she is so proud of it now lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:36 am

Awwww she is super cute! That's awesome that she got them back that fast, she looks great :)

I'm sorry to hear that you had more deaths in your family :( that must be really hard. Also a sleepless child is no fun for anyone. Is he sick or just not sleeping cause he isn't tired?

Awww yeah tiny buddies are always awesome :) I wonder what would happen if I put Rocky and McKenna back together. I doubt they miss eachother but maybe lol
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:39 pm

He has Insomnia bad -,- lol really he always has even before birth. Docs say it could be a number of cause and stress seems to be at the top of the list. I was under a lot of it while pregnant -.-. He tried several times to come at 27weeks and a few time after until they said ok he's just going to do what he wants n its time so he was almost 4weeks early lol. He still has that tude n when he is done then its done *rolls eyes* lol. He even fights the meds to the bitter end lol. 1000% stubborn child lol. He has nightmares often to so that never helps.
Yea I am really proud of how fast and well she is healing herself. Lol she is anxious to get back with Herc and Bat Girl. She is lonely :(. Yea things haven't been easy lately. Seriously need some good luck lol.
You should see it might be why she buried they were really close before. She may miss him a lot. Lol that's how Hearts and Herc react to the separation -.-. Once his molt was done I took him out of the ISO and he has been trying to find a way back in there since lol. He is sitting on top of it as I write this lol. I think they are going crazy atm lol. Last night it was her flipping out in the ISO trying to get to him lol. I want to make sure that she is healed enough tho first before I put her back in the main tank.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:25 pm

Awwww that's so sweet <3 crab love! Lol. Yeah that's probably a good idea. Is there a time lapse between the pics you took if her? Just found it interesting how in her first picture it looks all gel like and then in her other pics it looks normal.
Yeah a lot of stress is never good. Poor guy, hope he does better soon <3
Oh stubborn children lol i know all about that. Been dealing with it with my step daughter and I am finally starting to break her of it....I hope lol all I have to say is "okay, I guess you can't do this" or. "I guess this is being taken away" and she snaps out of it and listens real fast. She used to be so bad though. She has real bad tude too lol I'm sorry to hear he has nightmares :( Autumn used to have those too. Sadly there's nothing you can really do about it, just have to wait for them to grow out of it . She used to wake up in the middle of the night screaming and crying for her daddy. Soooo glad that's over with. Sometimes it would happen multiple times in one night and I would be too stressed to go back to sleep because I was afraid it would just happen again. I hope good luck finds you soon!
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:47 pm

By the way, I put the fake vines back into my tank and I have a little monkey who loves to try to climb into the leaves and loves to climb up the vines. He doesn't swing though, I'm hoping he will!

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:01 pm

Wow he is really dark and bright yellow lol is that an E!? The longer you have the vines in there the more will be seen on them. Lol Herc is just now discovering he can climb all the way to the top and across the top. He is currently trying to give me a heart attack by dive bombing Reese from the top of the tat. Boys idk why but this is their new game -.-. All you hear is clank n one of em is on the other n claws are being waved crazily and a few min later the other is diving on the other and repeats this all day lol. I swear one day someone is gonna get hurt but like normal kids they are ignoring moms warnings lol.
Yea in Hearts pic there was a 4day diff from gel to full claw. I am still shocked at how fast it came in o.0. I really thought that it would take months to come back. I remembered my lizards tails taking forever to come back ><. I had an Anole that lost his tail before I brought him home (he was a science teachers pet but his wife wouldn't let him bring them home lol). And my Iguana lost a lil bit off of hers when she tried to whip her reflection thinking it was another female getting to close to her guy lol. I still dunno how she did it all I could think was when she whipped it around the mirror the force was so strong that it broke when it went around it. It wasn't a sharp edge at all but maybe the angle of impact idk it just snapped the tip of it n it fell off about a day later. That took forever to come back n it was a small piece so I was expecting to have the ISO in there for months lol. I had even planed a corner of the travel tote for he set up lol. Which idk may be put off AGAIN -.- due to another death in the family -.-. Idk how much longer I can hang in there, lol starting to lose my mind here. To say that it has been a series of unfortunate events is a vast understatement lol. I am hoping tho that it won't put it off at all but if it has to that its just a few days. It can't be helped but at this rate I just want to go already cause things just keep going badly here. Ugh I hate bad luck n I seem to swim in it lately lol. Being as positive as I can yet wanting to bang my head on a wall repeatedly lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu May 01, 2014 5:47 am

Yeah I know how you feel. When it rains, it pours, and there's nothing that you can really do about it. I'm sorry your move got delayed again, that's really rough. Especially when you can't settle in your home and relax because you know that it's not going to be your home anymore. I would be banging my head off of the wall too! we couldn't find anything else that was affordable so we signed our lease for another year :( it's really not a bad house, just tired of some of the irritations that come along with it. My boyfriend has taken a pay cut as well and now we are trying to figure out how to lessen our bills which is impossible it seems. Ugh money is the root of all evil >:( I can't imagine having multiple family deaths though in such a short time span. I really do hope things get better for you and when you guys move you don't have any more issues.

Yes he is one of my new E's. That's what attracted me to him is his coloring, he is gorgeous, and my other E is developing the same coloring as him. They are crazy! Lol omg I would die laughing watching them dive bomb like that on each other! Mine don't do that, they mostly just sit or snuggle next to eachother. Yeah they're really long vines that I have dangling an running over their climbing sticks. Dragon acts like he is the king of the vines and will sit on a stick with one in his claw lol
Reptiles are such cool pets to have :) I want an iguana so bad! I had two leopard geckos and one of them was given to me with half a tail and he never grew it back. Lol sounds like you haven't had very good luck with lizard limbs :) I'm glad Hearts got her claw and leg back, that's really cool to see.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Wed May 07, 2014 8:17 pm

Great news, well Hermit wise lol. Sorry it has been a bit but things are still crazy and more drama today AGAIN UGH -.- lol. Hearts is back in her tat with the others so no new one was needed, yay. Didn't really want to buy one before we left and stress it out even more. Herc deiced to stand on her back and hold her in place for a bit lol, it was a huge hug before letting her go lol. She has been all over the tat n climbing everything. She is so happy to be back in there. She has been in there for 4 days now with no problems. I've been watching her closely. She is back to herself again lol. She went straight to soak in her pools lol. I think mine are so crazy, well except crazy Reese he has always been that nuts lol, is cause I give them a lot of vitamins lol. Idk maybe over vitamin-ing them lmao. They do love their boost powder though. I really do try to make sure they get everything they need but its hard atm, esp how my piggies eat lol.
So yay we finally got a date to have the memorial and we will be able to leave next month.....I hope -.-. I swear I will go nuts if it gets delayed yet again -.-. We are having it at the end of the month so that gives us a chance to see my grandmother for my daughter's b-day ^.^. So yea new drama wise n the root is my mother yet again lol. She called me up this morning in tears she had another car accident today this mind you is the 2nd in less than 3 months -.-. She says it is not her fault but who knows I don't see how it happened by what she said *shrug*. She will prob be more sore tomorrow but nothing major that we know of is wrong with her with this one. Who knows tho, she is so irresponsible anymore you just can't trust her by word value -.-. It is like dealing with a 50+ child -.- lol. I so hope luck will go good soon cuz our car blew a starter -.- I can't say much it was a 16yr old starter lol. Lucky it lasted that long. That's more money going out -.- *rant n rave* lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu May 08, 2014 2:48 pm

I'm glad that she is doing good! :) That's so cute that Herc gives her big long hugs. Maybe I should try giving mine more vitamins. They will go a week or so being all crazy and then they will go a week just chilling in their huts and it will make me scared that there is something wrong with them. That's how they were this week and now suddenly they started coming out and exploring again. Idk what to do with my crabs :( I try so hard to properly take care of them but I have trouble keeping the humidity up and food wise they are lagging again in the eating department and it makes me so mad when their food goes to waste. So I decided to feed them some dehydrated fruit and idk what else for protein until they get their appetites back. :roll: The bigger crabs were eating a lot and now suddenly they've stopped and wont touch their food. I had an absolute disaster this morning...well, maybe now that bad, but it was pretty disgusting lol I made scrambled eggs for the crabs and they sat in the tank for a little while and then this morning I got up and saw that the eggs were getting moldy. Well, not only were they getting moldy, but they stank sooooo bad and they were juicy and it looked like one of them had gotten into the eggs. I felt so bad but they were not moldy the day before or I would have taken them out. So now my house smells like rotting eggs lol It stunk so bad that I actually thought that one of the crabs might have died so I did a head count and everyone was fine except for Smog who was the one who had decided to go gallivanting through the eggs. I knew this because He had dried rotting eggs on his shell. Do you think if they ate it they would get sick or die? I hope not :cry: So I had to take this poor crab, who is very skittish and fast on his feet, and rinse him under warm water and scrub the eggs off of his shell with a scrubby. This poor thing was clawing at my hand, trying to get away, and he actually grabbed ahold of my hand with his little pincher and refused to let go. When I was finally done with his he crawled up my arm and clung to my sweat shirt and refused to let go of that. I think I may have traumatized him but there was really no other way I could clean him up. Ugh I'm such a bad crab mother! Like I said I try so hard to take good care of them but I have a lot of other things on my mind and it makes me not totally forget about them, but put them on the bottom of the totem pole of things to do list. I found Hermie last weekend with her legs hanging half out of her shell and she won't even move or anything. The poor little thing is weak and I don't know what to do :cry: Idk if it's because she's not eating or what but I'm afraid she's going to die. None of the little crabs eat in that tank, they just stay buried as far as I can tell and it's not for molting reasons because they have all molted. *siiigh*
I'm sorry to hear that you are having more drama with your mom. As long as she is still alive and isn't severely hurt I guess there's not a whole lot you can do, right? Cause if you do then you would be feeding into it. Good I'm glad that you guys can move next month! :cheer: Is your little girl going to be a year old? OMG I swear money is the root of all evil. My boyfriend took a big cut in his paycheck and now we are really struggling. Just to have dinner tonight I had to take back bottles and buy something cheap to make dinner with. Its pretty sad when two people work full time and they still have to scrounge. I'm sorry to hear about your car, my car is on the verge of breaking down I think. It's making these weird back firing movements. Someone said it might be the transmission :x Lol that is pretty good that it lasted 16 years! I just feel bad for my step kids because we don't even have money to take them out to do something fun. They're expectations are becoming very low with us but you know its not like they have absolutely nothing to do at the house. They have so many toys and movies and everything else that they can still have fun, but it still saddens my heart. Oh well, they have to learn sometime about the hardships of life. They have it a lot better then when I did when I was a kid. Yeah a little good luck would be nice!
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Fri May 09, 2014 6:50 pm

yea I know all of that well. Its hard to make ends meet outta nothing -.-. Yup she will be 1 year already :o, man that went by way to fast. Things are bad here too which is another reason this move will be good. We can't even give her a Birthday party -.- but I got a lil bit of money for my birthday n I am going to take her some where for it. If you can get a few spare bucks get some complete nutrition chow from HCA store. It will help them and it will be available 24/7 for them. I got that instead of my normal one cause the one girl can't make anymore at this time since she is moving too. I do love that one the best and it helped heal hearts FAST lol, and the bonus is it was only $5. It lasted a long time too even with my piggies. Now I'm using that last lil bit if someone gets sick. A just in case tool. Can't wait til I can buy more. Mine get both fresh n dry, it is easier to keep dry around cause fresh goes bad so fast. Idk if it will make the sick or not but it may not, in the wild they eat dead things so it is hard to tell. He may have not eatin it either rather just tromped into it lol. Yea when you bathe em its best to get a container with just a lil water (be sure to dechlor in it) and bathe em that way. Scrubbing the shell is not something they like much -.-. I have had to do this and its not pretty lol. One had calci powder caked on him and it was hard. I try n set money aside with each check to order their food which isn't always easy but they need to eat too lol. Plus I can go crazy when ordering their food n usually end up spending between 15 n 20 on it lol. I order a lot so they have not only a variety but enough, heifers -.- lol. You can get a small coconut and chop it up n keep it in the freezer, it lasts a long long time. You can give that to them and just remove it the next day. I give it to them at night so in the morning I can get what is left if any is left lol. Mine don't waste much n I know it does bug you to throw food out. Gotta breathe and just sign n let it go lol. If you prepare a whole egg you can freeze it and it will last longer this way. Berries same thing. I do it this way cause I can portion their meals out and have several lil baggies ready to just feed them. Lasts a lot longer than keeping them in the fridge and they don't loss much nutrition value if any, some do most don't. It helps even when busy cause you can just take out that lil baggy feed em n keep going. Love pre-prepping lol makes life easier when you are so busy. N in my condition if it is a day I can hardly move it makes it worlds easier to care for them. It is very hard for me sometimes so if I can give everyone a good meal even tho I can't make it on that day its a bonus lol.
Yea I learned there is no helping my mother lol. It really is like trying to raise a extremely defiant child that is 50+ -.-. The "I'll do what I want" rant really is over played on her part lol. Its like ok then don't pay your bills n see what happens lol. She thinks if she doesn't pick them up or reply to them that they just go away cause she can't tell her bf n his family no to stuff. She buys n takes them where ever they wanna go which is fine her life her money but responsibility first, ya know. We were raised by the same woman n I am the one that came out with responsibility n not my mother -.- lol makes no sense. From what I understand tho she has always been this selfish, I mean I knew she was to me but not so much like she is now and I guess she is just to old to hide it now cause she just flaunts it now like she does nothing wrong -.-. Its sad really but nothing anyone can do to change it or try and reason with her lol. I've tried reasoning n well I' make faster and more productive with a wall lol. Things will prob get more crazy but it will so be worth it lol. She has all these crazy things planned which means she hasn't listened to a word I've said when I told her we are moving so she has even more of a rude awakening coming -.-. It won't be pretty but its a must. I need to get to a doc already -,- and my new doc is there ><. This sucks lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)
