2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

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2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by wodesorel » Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:49 am

I knew that beach stores sold crabs in these death traps, but it's never been something that I saw in person. Previous adoptions had always been upgraded to 10 gallons before I took them in, or they were delivered in boxes or plastic cups. I never even got to see these guys in the container thankfully - I ran late in the store and by the time I got out my husband had already moved them into the bigger(!) plastic travel container I had brought along filled with moist moss, inside a heated lunch pail so they wouldn't get chilled. The family got them at the end of July, and there they stayed until Sunday. It was not their fault - they had no idea they were lied to when they bought them, and when they found out they contacted the HCA to find an adopter. I was the closest, and with the remodeled tank two more wasn't going to be a problem.

Anyway, this is what they were in for the last three months. Notice what's missing? Yeah - NO WATER BOWL. They had a sponge. A SPONGE!


This little one I haven't seen at all. He wouldn't come out when I was around, and when I came back to check he had already dug in!



This little one though is a hellion. He's been tearing it up through the tank!







Either he's hiding well, or he's gone down to molt, too. I haven't seen him in two days. They both look great considering everything they've been through. I'm looking forward to them coming up in a couple of months. :)
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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by Skymall007 » Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:23 am

I am so glad you got them. Your tat looks amazing. They prob needed to molt. No matter what though they now are in a good place.
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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by YYWW » Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:31 am

Glad they lasted until you rescued them! Our friend's crabs both died within 2 weeks
That the family sought a rescue is very fortunate for your crabs. I actually offered to nurse my friend's 1 remaining crab and to give them a proper 10gal from the same type of enclosure as your picture, to which they replied "no i think he's fine, he moves around and makes a lot of noise every night." The next morning he was dead. I think his moving around was all a desperate 2 week dash for proper moist air and water (and escape).
The little dead guy was so sad. It looked like he had just given up and died of devastation.

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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by moonshermies » Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:33 am

awwww poor guys!! glad u were able to save them!! keep us posted as they settle

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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by MuseCrazy » Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:41 pm

I got 2 in small cages like that and they were on water and gravel for months. Only one made it through their molt :(

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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by kuza » Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:58 pm

There's a mall store here that has crabs in those things.... upsets me so much.

Cute pics!

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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by hermieluv1 » Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:30 am

They look like they are in crab heaven! Your tat looks like paradise!

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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by hermieluv1 » Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:31 am

Where did you get your plants? They look real!

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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by SaPen » Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:59 pm

So glad they're in your care, and glad the previous owners cared enough to find them a new home. I got my first crab from a beach store down the cape. They kept their crabs in a tall mesh cage, only sponges for water, no substrate, and hoards of crabs in there. I've always wondered where those poor crabs go when the shop closes up for the winter.
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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by Careyenz » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:12 pm

I love the last pic. They probably think they're in paradise after that horrible home!
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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by aussieJJDude » Fri Oct 31, 2014 5:07 am

I loved seeing the transformation in crabitats, your's it beautiful & I sure they will be thanking you for it! I hope the best for your new newbies.
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Re: 2 new adoptees, OMG beach store "crabitat" *cry*

Post by Brittanybaby22 » Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:06 am

Your hermit crabs are beautiful I got my first hermit crab from the mall and he came in one of those kitter carriers he didn't make it though his first molt now I have dwebble he made it through his first molt he went down right away I had him for five months now
